Ab Initio Method
Palmer gave a list of the ingredients required for anybody wishing to make
their emulsion ab initio. These were:
Nelson's gelatine |
40 grains |
Distilled water |
14 drachms |
Alcohol |
2 drachms |
Bromide of potassium |
25 grains |
Nitrate of silver |
40 grains |
of bromide of ammonium |
2 drops |
Palmer also gave extensive details of exactly how these ingredients were
to be mixed to make the emulsion:
"Let the gelatine be
soaked for five or six hours in water and be then drained. The
bromide is next dissolved in seven drachms of water and poured upon the
gelatine. The latter in not treated in a hot bath and stirred with a
glass rod until complete solution has taken place.
The silver is then
dissolved in seven drachms of water, and is poured, little by little, onto
the gelatine, the whole being frequently shaken. After this, two
drachms of alcohol and two drops of bromide of ammonia are added, and the
emulsion is poured into a flat dish until it is set." |