Other Photographic Journal Pages


British Journal of Photography


They were many reports of Edinburgh and its photographic societies in the British Journal of Photography in 1862:  e.g.

Meetings of EPS:  Pages 16, 52, 94, 115, 136, 153, 175, 197, 215, 395, 436, 

Meetings of PSS:    Pages 71, 114, 214, 469, 72


BJP  -  1862




EPS Meetings:

Paper read by WH Davies on 18/12/1861, continued 19/3/1862

Hints on the Nature of Pictorial Beauty and the Principles of Composition


Comments on the 6th PSS Exhibition

The 6th PSS Exhibition was held at George Street, Edinburgh.  There were 85exhibitors.  BJP reported:

This Exhibition presents no contrast to that of last year, unless it may be in the great accumulation of cartes de visite portraits, of which, as might have been anticipated, some are miserable in the extreme, some possess average merit and some few would satisfy all the requirements of the most fastidious taste.

The varieties of process employed in the production of the pictures are few - indeed year after year they are getting fewer and fewer.  How much this depends on the system which the Society adopts of giving medals for the pictures which they consider best is a matter of opinion.

Referring to the work of John Cramb of Glasgow, BJP said:  

It is evident that awarding medals for merely pretty and artistic prints is not the best method of advancing the interests of photography as a science.

BJP was disappointed with some of the omissions from the exhibition:

…among the various contributors to this Exhibition we look in vain for Joubert’s patent enamel transparencies; photographs in carbon or any other pigment;  specimens of Ramage’s or any other person’s lithography;  photographic engraving by any of the existing processes, whether photoglyphs or photogalvonographs.  There are no magic lantern slides, nor any of those huge productions of which the Gallic brethren are celebrated.

It is a matter of regret that, judging from the scanty attendance of visitors, the Edinburgh public generally do not seem to be aware of this collection of pictures in their midst. 

6th PSS Exhibition -  Entrants

The entrants included

- T Annan 
BJP consider his the best landscape

- Bedford

- Claudet

- Davies

- Dixon Piper 
Perfect photographic manipulation, without however corresponding taste in the arrangement of subjects

- Drummond

- Hering 
Some beautiful portraits

- Hill and McGlashan
14 portraits - pictures have merit of the highest order

- Mudd

- Musgrave 
12 fine portraits

- Orange

- Robinson  
Some of the best frames of cartes de visite

- Rodger  
Some of the best frames of cartes de visite

- Tunny  
The best group in the room - a family of 12


EPS Meeting (15/1/1862)  -  Paper by WK Wason’s Paper 

-  Optical Lenses involved in the Construction of Photographic Lenses


EPS Meeting (19/2/1862)  Paper by Nicol and Horsburgh

-  A lesson to the junior members in the manipulation of the Wet Collodion Process 


PSS Meeting (2/1862) 

-   Announcement of the Death of the Prince Consort, President of PSS 

-   Award of Medals 

-   Paper by Sir David Brewster  Zincography


EPS Meeting  -  Paper
- My first photographic trip to the Country


EPS Meeting - Paper + Demonstration  (2/4/1862) Mr Nicol 
-  On Portable Tents


EPS Meeting - Paper (16/4/1862) 
- The Invention of the Stereoscope - and the Chimenti Drawings


PSS Meeting   (13/5/1862)  - Letter from Professor Tait 
- The Drawings of Jacopo Chimenti

PSS AGM and Annual Report for 1861-62

"The Council regret to have to report that the monthly meetings have not been so successful as might have been expected.  ...   In the meantime, regular meetings will be held on the 2nd Tuesday of December, February and  April."


EPS Meeting  (21/6/1862) - -Paper from Mr Taylor
- The Tannin Process


EPS Meeting (1/10/1862) Paper from Andrew Mure
- On the Application to Photography of the Recent Copyright Act  


EPS Meeting (15/10/1862) No paper
- Conversation, principally on copyright


PSS Meeting (9/12/1862)  

"The walls of the room were decorated with about 250 of Macpherson’s views of Rome.  They were of large size, and comprised all the subjects of interest in the Eternal City."

 "Since PSS had last met, the Secretary Mr Adam had seen it his duty to retire.  Mr TB Johnstone will take over as Secretary."

"Given the experience of last year, the Council believe that it would not be expedient to have an Exhibition this year, but they hope that it will not be done away with altogether, but merely deferred for a year."


EPS AGM (3/12/1862) + list of Papers for the previous year.

·       On the Art of Viewing Binocular Pictures without a Stereoscope: Mr Slight

·       Elementary Optics:  Mr Wason

·     The Collodion Process - Theoretical:  Mr Nicol

·     The Practice of the Collodion Process:  Mr Nicol and Mr Horsburgh

·     My First Photographic Trip to the Country - and What Befel Me:  [A Member]

·     On Artistic Composition; its Application to Landscape, Portrait and Figure Grouping:  Mr Davies

·     On Portable Tents:  Mr Nicol

·     On the Alleged Invention of the Stereoscope in the 16th Century:  JT Taylor

·     Discussion on the Relative Advantages of the Wet and Dry Collodion Processes:  Mr Taylor and Mr Davies

·     On the Tannin Process

·     On Toning Prints in Alum and Hyposulphite of Soda:  Mr Bow

·     On Photographic Varnishes

·     Observations on the Recent Copyright Act:  Mr Mure

·     On Webster’s Method of Making Oxygen Gas

·     On Photography

Here are more pages relating to 
 Photographic Literature


Photographic Journals


Early Publications     Titles from the 1850s    
Annuals and Almanacs

The Amateur Photographer

Overview     1891

American Photography

Overview    1910    1911

British Journal of Photography

Overview     PSS + EPS   1861 Adverts  1862    1863    1865    1866 Adverts    1867    1868   1869   1872   1875   1876   1877  1878    1881    1882    1892   1895   1897   1909   1911

Edinburgh Photographic Society

EPS Transactions
PSS and EPS in other journals

Journal of the Photographic Society

Overview        PSS        Societies and Editors    

Edinburgh - 1853-58     Edinburgh - 1859-62

Photographic Notes

Overview     PSS

Photographic News


The Photogram

Overview     1895



Practical Photographer

Overview      1891     1892    1895

[Many English Journals]




