Edinburgh Photographic Society
Open Exhibition
Exhibition Entries
The 1908 Open
Exhibition was held from 22 February until 8 March in the EPS Premises
at 38
Castle Street.
There was no formal opening on account of
influenza and other causes.
The EPS Transactions,
in March 1908, reported:
"There is nothing, perhaps, of an
outstanding nature, either good or bad, but the work exhibited is generally
of a high standard.
The phenomenally bad summer which we experienced
last year has caused s shrinkage in the
exhibits, but this is by no means an unmixed evil, for as a result it has
been unnecessary to 'sky'* pictures as an alternative to rejecting them, with
the consequent grumbling on the part of their owners."
* The
practice of 'skying' pictures referred to hanging them very high on the wall
where they could hardly be seen.
The number of Sections and Classes of picture was greater than in
recent years, this year including a Section for Photographs in
Colour. See the list of award winners at the end of this
page. |
Exhibition Entertainment
Entertainment was provided
during the exhibition. The tradition of giving lectures of a
popular nature on each of the Saturday evenings continued, but this
year there were also six evenings when the lantern slides were shown:
Sat 22 Feb
''The Environs of Edinburgh''
[illustrated with slides taken by James
A Angus]
W Reid |
Mon 25 Feb
Exhibition of Lantern Slides |
Thu 28 Feb
Exhibition of Lantern Slides |
Sat 29 Mar |
''The Passion Play of 1900
at Oberammergau'' [illustrated]
Robert T Skinner FRSE |
Mon 4 Mar
Exhibition of Lantern Slides |
Thu 7 Mar
Exhibition of Lantern Slides |
Sat 7 Mar |
''Bonnie Prince Charlie in
the Highlands'' [illustrated
(with what?)] Mrs Parrott |
Art Union
In recent years, the Art Union Draw has been a feature of the
exhibition, with the prize-winners receiving a selection of prints
from the exhibition. However, there there appears to have been
no Art Union draw in 1908.
Judges for the exhibition were:
- Martin
Hardie RSA
- J Craig Annan
- William Crooke
Section I - Class A
Open to All
Mention |
Eric Allan Rendall, Edinburgh |
of Mr JL" |
Oscar Hardie,
Chislehurst |
Group" |
Section I - Class B
Landscape, &c.
Open to All
Medals |
G L A Blair, Paisley |
London Sleeps" |
W J Croal FRPS,
Edinburgh |
"On a Normandy Farm,
The Calves Dinner Hour" |
Lindoe, Sunderland |
Deserted Mill" |
Honourable Mentions |
A K Dannatt, Blackheath |
Early Boat" |
Arthur Marshall, Nottingham |
"Nocturne" |
Louis J
Steele, Portsmouth |
Fringe of the Deserted" |
Section II
EPS Members Only
Medals |
J D Paterson,
Edinburgh |
the Quay" |
J D Paterson,
Edinburgh |
the Foreshore" |
Honourable Mentions |
J D Paterson,
Edinburgh |
"The Last 'Rake'" |
Section III
EPS Members Only
Restricted to those who have not
previously gained a Medal
at the Society's Exhibition
Medals |
D W Thompson,
Edinburgh |
Harvest of the Sea" |
James A Angus,
Edinburgh |
the Harbour" |
Honourable Mentions |
A D E Mathison,
Edinburgh |
"Haunts o' Jack Howieson" |
Louis C Login,
Edinburgh |
"Dusk" |
David A Christian,
Edinburgh |
"In His Study" |
Section IV
Lantern Slides
in sets of four |
Medals |
Graystone Bird,
Bath |
No 187
(2) |
Richard Hancock,
Stechford |
No 190 (3) |
Alfred J Loughton,
Southwell |
No 194 (1) |
Honourable Mentions |
George M Aikman,
Edinburgh |
No 177
(2) |
Thomas Carlyle,
Paisley |
No 181 (4) |
G Suter,
Loughton |
No 191 (3) |
J C McKechnie,
Edinburgh |
No 197 (1) |
Section V
Photographs in Colour
in sets of four |
Medals |
W Walburn,
West Hartlepool |
Fruit Study" (Autochrome) |
Awarded to
Andrew Paterson (Inverness) |
Andrew Paterson
I see that the recently launched
Andrew Paterson Collection web site refers to and illustrates EPS
Medals awarded for portraiture to Andrew Paterson in 1908 and 1920.
I have two questions: |
Q1. How can I reconcile
(a) the
Medal awarded by EPS to Andrew Paterson in 1908 and
illustrated on the Andrew Paterson Collection web site with
(b) the Medals
that I have listed above***?
I believe that I took these details from contemporary
editions of Transactions of EPS and The British Journal of
Q2. Was the Inverness photographer and
Medal winner, Andrew Paterson related to the EPS Member and Medal
winner, J D Paterson, listed above?
Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: July 28, 2013 |
John Hadden
Edinburgh |
Thank you to John Hadden
for helping to solve Q1 above.
John wrote: |
1920 Medal
9 of the
Inverness Portraits'
shows two medal images. However,
were these two images, perhaps, of the same medal, but taken from
opposite sides to allow all of the edge writing to be viewed."
Agreed, except that there may well be still more
writing that could be viewed.. This style of EPS medals often also had
inscriptions along its top and bottom edges.
I agree that both images are likely to be of the
1920 EPS Medal.
Peter Stubbs, July 28, 2013 |
1908 Medal
"The image of a letterhead page 9 of
lists 'Higher Honours for Portraiture' awarded to Andrew
Paterson, including 'Scottish
National, Edinburgh, 1908' and
Edinburgh, 1920'.
So, was the 1908 award from a different
organisation than EPS? Was it, perhaps, related to the Scottish
National Exhibition at Edinburgh in 1908?
Agreed. That seems to me to be very likely
to be the answer.
The 1908 Scottish National Exhibition was a
major exhibition in Edinburgh, as the postcard below shows. The
exhibition gave awards for many subjects including photography.
Scottish National Exhibition
Edinburgh, 1908
Peter Stubbs, July 28, 2013 |
John Hadden, Edinburgh: July 28, 2013 (2 emails) |
Adrian Harvey
Inverness, Inverness-shire, Scotland |
Thank you to Adrian
Harvey for responding to the two questions above. Adrian's
answers to Q1 are consistent with the suggestions made above by John
Hadden. Adrian wrote: |
1920 Medal
"The list of 23 Awards,
Honours and Medals proudly displayed on Andrew Paterson's
stationery, was the only record we had of his achievements for a long
Then we received the
photographs of the EPS medal in its case. (It is gold by the way).
It seems to be the 1920 award, as inscribed on its bottom edge.
The two photographs in
are, in fact, of the
same Medal. It has been photographed from both sides to show
both Andrew Paterson's name and the category, Portraiture.
The case inlay has the words
Alex Kirkwood & Son, Medalists, 9 St. James Square, Edinburgh. Est.
On the face of the medal,
bottom left is 'A. Kirkwood & Son SC' and
on the right there is wording that I can't quite make out. it
looks like: 'A. HOPE DEL.' Maybe
you know of this."
Adrian's comment about the 1920 Medal
being gold is in response to a question that I asked him about
what metal it was mad from.
Adrian also comments on the company that produced the medal, A
Kirkwood & Son. That's the same company as still produces
medals annually for EPS Exhibitions.
fact the die for this style of Medal was re-discovered by
Kirkwood in 2012, so arrangements were made for more medals in
this style to be cast, three in gold, for the 2012 EPS
Exhibition. Here is the cover of the catalogue for this
exhibition. It features this medal.
The 'A HOPE DEL' inscription
near the bottom of the medal on the right, that Adrian mentions
can be seen on the medal. This denotes that A Hope
(whoever that was) drew the image for the medal. (DEL
= delineavit, Latin, 'he/she drew'.)

Reproduced with acknowledgement to Edinburgh Photographic
Peter Stubbs, July 28, 2013 |
J D Paterson
"J.D. Paterson would not have
been a close family member (descendant or sibling) to Andrew, but
that's not to say he isn't related somewhere. His older brother, after
all, lived in Glasgow."
Paterson is a fairly common name in Scotland so
it seems quite likely to me that 2 photographers exhibiting in
Edinburgh in 1908, both named Paterson, may just be coincidence.
Peter Stubbs, July 28, 2013 |
Adrian Harvey, Inverness, Inverness-shire, Scotland:
July 28, 2013 |
EPS Exhibitions