Photos and Memories of Edinburgh



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Photos and Memories of Edinburgh

Talk  to

Newhaven Community

History Group

19 November  2013

Postcard  -  Castle Series  -  Newhaven ©



Photos and Recollections of



East Thomas Street




St Leonard's



PLEASE NOTE:  So far, I've only completed this page for the headings underlined above.  I may complete the other sections later.                                                                                                                            -  Peter Stubbs:  November 13, 2013



A few extracts from


Coal Lorry accident at the foot of Arthur Street

© Reproduced with acknowledgement to Ron Leckie, California, USA

Coal Lorry Accident

Here is a lorry that ran away, out of control, down Arthur Street at Dumbiedykes and into Holyrood Park.

These are some of the memories that people have sent to me about the event:


The Leckie Family

    Coal Lorry accident at the foot of Arthur Street ©

"I grew up in Edinburgh, part of the Leckie coal family at St. Leonards.  I have lived in California since 1976.

On your site, you have recollections of Leckie’s lorry careening down Arthur Street in the Dumbiedykes.  So I submit to you the photo of the resulting crash into the park, with kids hovering to pick up the coal without the policeman seeing them.

Ron Leckie, California, USA:  July 11, 2007


The Accident

    Coal Lorry accident at the foot of Arthur Street ©

"I remember the day well, when my Dad came home very stressed-out with that story.  He was just so relieved that nobody got hurt.  Apparently, the brakes were set and wheels turned into the curb – but the vehicle just slid on the wet cobblestones without its driver, the angle of that steep street overcoming the friction between the rubber and the cobblestones.

 Well, that was the story I heard."

Ron Leckie, California, USA:  July 11, 2007



    Coal Lorry accident at the foot of Arthur Street ©

"That's a great photo. I'm thrilled with it.  Leckie's company took me back.  Every time I look at the photo, I see something different that jogs my memory, especially the gas lamps running up the brae, and I can still remember the gas man lighting them up at night.

The photo was in my era, as Dod Dickson's car is in shot.  We lived opposite Dod's in East Arthur Place.  I can see my ma's hoose from that angle, Dod's grocers shop, also Spier's the newsagents and the end of Prospect Street too."

Eric Gold, East End, London, England:  July 16+17+18, 2007



    Coal Lorry accident at the foot of Arthur Street ©

"I don't recognise the bairns or the policeman.  It wasn't 'Big Ginger, the Polis' (ha ha ha).  He would just let us help ourselves."

Eric Gold, East End, London, England:  July 16+17+18, 2007



    Coal Lorry accident at the foot of Arthur Street ©

"Eric Gold's mention aboot Ginger (the polis) brought back memories.  We used to play fitba ('3 an yer in'). 

The goals were Cowan's big door, and Ginger often used to have a wee go before retiring intae his box (by the park gate) for his tea."

Jim Di Mambro, South Africa:  July 20, 2007


Shovelling Coal

    Coal Lorry accident at the foot of Arthur Street ©

"My fondest memory of the free coal was of a local character, Mrs. Wynn, shovelling it into her message bag."

Jim Di Mambro,  July 19, 2007:  Jim has lived in South Africa since 1973.


Arthur Street

    Coal Lorry accident at the foot of Arthur Street ©

"My dad used to deliver coal to Arthur Street in the 1930s, firstly by horse and cart and latterly by lorry.

He talked about getting stuck once with the loaded lorry about half way down the hill.  For some reason, he didn’t think it was safe to go further down the steep gradient, but couldn’t get back up again until they had taken some of the load off.

Needless to say, he was not short of locals to help him off load the bags of coal. However, there were lots of folks with black hands that day, and fewer bags got back to the top of the hill than they took off the lorry."

Brian Gourlay, Biggar, Lanarkshire, Scotland,  August 1, 2007



    Coal Lorry accident at the foot of Arthur Street ©

"Eric Gold's mention aboot Ginger (the polis) brought back memories.  We used to play fitba ('3 an yer in'). 

The goals were Cowan's big door, and Ginger often used to have a wee go before retiring intae his box (by the park gate) for his tea."

Jim Di Mambro, South Africa:  July 20, 2007



    Coal Lorry accident at the foot of Arthur Street ©

"Arthur Street was very steep.  There were many accidents there.  A coal lorry and a sweet lorry both 'ran away' out of control down Arthur Street."

John Ballantyne, Boswall, Edinburgh,  August 31, 2007



    Coal Lorry accident at the foot of Arthur Street ©

The best laugh was watching the men with their fruit-barrows.  There were several of these being pushed around the streets, but when they came to the hill down Arthur Street, the owners had to hold on tight to the barrow handles to prevent the barrow from running away down the street.

The local children knew this, so they used to run down the street beside the barrows, pinching the fruit, and there was nothing that the owner could do about it!"

John Ballantyne, Boswall, Edinburgh,  August 31, 2007


My Sister

    Coal Lorry accident at the foot of Arthur Street ©

"My sister is the little girl on the left in this photo.  Does anyone know the date that the coal lorry crashed down the hill in Arthur Street?"

Joe Coyle, The Inch, Edinburgh,  October 22, 2007


Horse and Cart

    Coal Lorry accident at the foot of Arthur Street ©

"One winter in the early 1940s, half-way down the hill at the steps leading up to Salisbury Street, after a snow storm, Leckie's were delivering coal by horse and cart and unfortunately the horse slipped on the snow/ice and fell to the ground.

After securing the load and uncoupling the horse from the shafts a number of men, using ropes and empty coal bags wrapped round the horse’s hooves, in an attempt to prevent further slipping, tried repeatedly to raise the animal. The more they tried the more fatigued the horse became.

Eventually, after giving the horse food and water and allowing it to recover somewhat they managed to get it to its feet. I don’t think the horse suffered any damage as it managed to walk away (without the coal wagon).

The whole exercise must have taken well over an hour to complete. As kids a number of us watched from the high wall at the foot of  'Soly'."

Richard Martin, Borders, Scotland:  August 5, 2008


'Big Ginger' Found Me

    Coal Lorry accident at the foot of Arthur Street ©

"I lived at 107 Dumbiedykes Road, and when I was only four years old, I  ran away from home with my favourite blanket in my mum's washing-up bowl.

'Big Ginger', the policeman, found me up at the top of Dumbiedykes Road and took me back home.  I remember him being very tall, with red hair, a short beard and a moustache."

Susan Keaney, County Sligo, Ireland:  October 8, 2008


Picking up Coal

    Coal Lorry accident at the foot of Arthur Street ©

Before my mother even saw this photo, she was able to tell me the name of the lorry, and  that every kid in the place was sent out by their mother to pick up the coal on the road!"

Theresa Carthy (née Lapping), Cork, Ireland:  March 24, 2009



    Coal Lorry accident at the foot of Arthur Street ©

"On the 2nd week of our Honeymoon, on arrival at the 2nd cottage, somewhere near Perth, I went to the adjoining cottage to collect the keys. The gentleman who answered the door got talking to me, asking me where I was from etc.

On divulging that I once lived on Arthur Street, he became very animated, explaining that the thing he remembered most, was the coal lorry accident, because he had been the policeman who attended.  He is undoubtedly the policeman in the photograph.

Ray Murray, Waltham Abbey, Essex, England: July 27, 2009


Hugh Leckie's Coal Deliveries

    Coal Lorry accident at the foot of Arthur Street ©

"When I lived in Heriot Mount, coal was delivered by Hugh Leckie & Sons.  The delivery man was only about 5ft 2ins and he had to carry a 1 cwt sack of household coal up 5 flights to our flat.  We kept the coal in a bunker under the working surface top next to the sink.

In the 1940s, our coal was delivered by horse and cart.  I think  I had left Edinburgh before he upgraded to a lorry."

James Morton-Robertson, Sevenoaks, Kent, England:  October 4, 2009'


The Driver

    Coal Lorry accident at the foot of Arthur Street ©

"I've just come across the photo of the lorry in Arthur Street.  I think  that my late father, Andrew, may have been the driver in charge of the lorry.  He stayed in Arthur Street and worked for Hugh Leckie before getting a job with Bruce Lindsay Waldie.

I can  remember him telling me about a problem he had in Arthur Street with a coal lorry"

Brian Phillips, Edinburgh:  August 2, 2010


The Girl

    Coal Lorry accident at the foot of Arthur Street ©

"The young girl at the front of this photo is my Aunt Amy

She lived in Arthur Street along with:

 my mother, Catherine

-   my grandmother, Emily

-  my Aunts, Margaret and Ina."

Amy subsequently married Joe Wilson, a local joiner.  They also lived in Arthur Street."

Michael Fernon, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia:  April 7, 2012


November 1958

    Coal Lorry accident at the foot of Arthur Street ©

We now know when this accident happened.  Here is another photo of the accident.  It appeared in the Edinburgh Evening Dispatch on the day of the accident, November 15, 1958.

Coal Lorry accident at the foot of Arthur Street

©  Scotsman Publications Ltd.   Click here for web site details.     Licensed by Scran.      Photo R02100467.jpg,  Scran 000-000-035-





A few extracts from


Lots of recollections - to be added later




A few extracts from


Lots of recollections - to be added later





A few extracts from


Eastfield  terminus  -  Musselburgh Road

Lothian Buses  -  Terminus  -Tranent -  Route 26

©  Reproduced with acknowledgement to Adrian H Dodsley, Oakerthorpe, Derbyshire, who supplied this photo to me.

I received a lot of replies when I added this photo to the Edinphoto web site and asked:

        -  "Was this photo taken at the Eastfield terminus beside the Firth of Forth at Joppa?"

        -  "When might this photo have been taken?"

Here are some of the replies that I received.



    Routes 26 and 44  -  Terminus  -  possibly at Eastfield, Joppa ©

"Yes, it is Eastfield.

Behind the buses are what is now the Rockville House Hotel and in the distance Coillesdene House high flats which were completed and occupied in 1967."

Archie Foley, Joppa, Edinburgh:  August 23, 2007



    Routes 26 and 44  -  Terminus  -  possibly at Eastfield, Joppa ©

It is the Eastfield terminus.  The tall block of flats to the rear right of the 44 bus is Coillesdene House, whilst at far right of the picture you can see the very corner of what is now the Rockville Hotel."

Mike Gradone, New York, USA, (formerly Dumbiedykes, Edinburgh): November 1, 2007


TV Aerials

    Routes 26 and 44  -  Terminus  -  possibly at Eastfield, Joppa ©

"I see a pair of UHF television aerials on the house in the background, so I think that probably puts the photo into the 1970s.

I think those aerials may be pointing to the Black Hill transmitter, rather than Craigkelly.  I'm sure a Joppa local will confirm if there's a preference.

I believe that Craigkelly was operational from September 1971 while the Black Hill was operational at the end of 1969."

John J Hadden, Edinburgh:  November 30, 2007


TV Aerials

    Routes 26 and 44  -  Terminus  -  possibly at Eastfield, Joppa ©

"John J. Hadden's observation on the UHF aerials interest me. He quite rightly says that they are pointed towards Black Hill rather than Craigkelly.  Sadly, this does not help to date the picture.

I served my apprenticeship as a TV engineer.  I recall being told that there were problems with the colour TV signal for people living close to the Forth, caused by the ebb and flow of the tide."

Donald Grant, Penicuik, Midlothian, Scotland:  February 19, 2008


The Buses

    Routes 26 and 44  -  Terminus  -  possibly at Eastfield, Joppa ©

"The date of this photo is likely to be no later than August 1974.

There was an article on the 26 bus route last year by Gavin Booth in 'Classic Bus' magazine.  It gives Augus 1974 as the date when service 26 was converted to one-man operation.

Another clue is given in the crest on bus 441, which is the Edinburgh Corporation Transport crest – this was replaced by the Lothian Regional Council one in May 1975, when the fleet became Lothian Region Transport (LRT).

Going by what I’ve said above, and by Donald Grant’s information, this would appear to give a likely window of 'late-1971 / early-1972' for the picture."

 Steven Oliver, Duns, Borders, Scotland:  February 35, 2008



    Routes 26 and 44  -  Terminus  -  possibly at Eastfield, Joppa ©

"I lived about a mile up the road from Eastfield terminus from 1962 to 1979.

A little clue in that the  '26' is destined for Clermiston For nearly every journey I took on the 26, it ran to Clerwood, about a half mile further on.

Maybe the destination indicator is wrong, but this would place it in the 1960s if it was taken before the route was extended."

Michael Thompson, Eastfield, Edinburgh, February 28, 2008


or later

    Routes 26 and 44  -  Terminus  -  possibly at Eastfield, Joppa ©

"If, as Michael has said, the bus was running to Clermiston and not to Clerwood, then it would date the photo as being taken between 1964 and 1967.  BUT the television aerial on the top of the houses is shown as pointing to the Black Hill transmitter, and as Donald has mentioned, that came on air in 1969."

So, there are two possibilities for the No.26 bus:

-  It was either running to Clermiston as a short working, though it should have had 'Part Route' showing on the intermediate display if this was the case  OR

-  The destination blind has been set incorrectly."

 Steven Oliver, Duns, Borders, Scotland:  February 28, 2008


Turning Circle

    Routes 26 and 44  -  Terminus  -  possibly at Eastfield, Joppa ©

"This photo shows a small turning circle at Eastfield:

Routes 26 and 44  -  Terminus  -  possibly at Eastfield, Joppa ©

The Eastfield terminus had to be enlarged to accommodate more services and longer buses. Route 26 was converted to one-man-operation in 1970 [Calum Melrose - but in fact it was later.  See], so it seems likely that this enlargement of the turning circle would have been carried out during 1970." 

"So the date that the photo was taken is likely to have been early-1970."

 Steven Oliver, Duns, Borders, Scotland:  March 14, 2008



        Routes 26 and 44  -  Terminus  -  possibly at Eastfield, Joppa ©

I thought that the correspondence on this topic might have come to an end. Then, after a gap of a couple of months, I received this a comprehensive reply from Denis Kelly, providing more answers and tying up a few loose ends.

Denis suggested that this photo would have been taken in early-1971.

Here are extracts from the answers that Denis provided.    Thank you Denis.


"The advert on the route 44 bus displays ‘Ardmona’, an Australian fruit company who undertook a major sales initiative in this country in 1971, advertising for the first time on Edinburgh buses."

Bus No. 441

"The bus, fleet no. 441, seen in fine ‘ex-works’ condition was in service between 1954 and 1974,  and  not normally allocated to route 44 which from 1964 was the domain of Alexander-bodied Leyland Titans either like the bus on the left, new in 1964 or Titans of 1962.

However a new route number 30 had started in November 1970 and the 1962 buses were transferred to work it. This meant overhauling and repainting  older stock such as 441 and recalling them to route 44.  By l August 1971 the new route was given new ‘One Person Operated’ (OPO) Atlantean buses so enabling the 1962 buses to return to route 44 and displace the older type."

Destination Screens

The destination screen on the route 26 bus is wrong.  The bus ought to have displayed ‘Clerwood’.  However it seems the original screens fitted to the bus (all this type had the newer screens) were being cleaned or repaired so older screens were fitted.  These dated from 1952.

‘Clerwood’ (as a destination from 1966) wouldn’t have been included on these older screens, so the crew settled for ‘Clermiston’ .

Turning Circle

"Route 44 was converted to One Person Operation in May 1973, and route 26 in August 1974.

The Eastfield lay-by, built in 1954, was enlarged later in 1971 to accommodate additional buses stopping there."

 Denis Kelly:  May 26, 2008



A few extracts from


Lots of recollections - to be added later




A few extracts from




"In the season we would play conkers, climb trees, or play with fireworks (It was more fun if you held them in your hand!) so we gradually developed a streetwise attitude, knowing people to avoid and where to hide when chased."

"The streets were our playground.  We exchanged scraps and played:

-  Marbles along the gutters. (There were not as many cars then.)

-  Pierries (whipping a small wooden  top along the street.  If you had a good whip and a piece of hemp string you could make it jump and spin for hours!)


-  Hide and Seek

-  American and Japs

-  Cowboys and Indians

-  Robin Hood

-  Fencing with Sticks

-  Bows and Arrows

-  Aleavoy and other chasing games.  Aleavoy was a chasing game played by two teams of about 5 or 6 kids (or more).  One team would hide and the other team would have to catch them.  The boundaries were about a half a mile radius from the den, usually Portgower Place, and so, again, you learned how to:

run fast

climb walls

get into stairs without having a latch key

then go through the back greens and generally hide.

These games all took place around the streets.  You got to know the neighbourhood and all the children who stayed there."

Robin McAra, Trinity, Edinburgh:  November 6, 2013


Grieves' Dairy

"In 1948, my Mother bought Grieves' Dairy at 70 Raeburn Place.

It was a 'wet' dairy.  That meant that the dairy bought its milk  in churns, each holding 10 or 20 gallons.  There was a machine into which the milk was decanted and where bottles were filled, 6 at a time.

There were 4 sizes of bottle:

half pint


pint and a half

2 pints.

So, we had to have hundreds of bottles ready with their cardboard stoppers.  When the shop was quiet, we would be filling them up ready for the next day's deliveries. This could go on into the night and we would get home at all hours.

The bottles had to be washed when they came back from the customers. This was done in a large (8 feet by 4 feet) galvanized bath  in the back shop. Hot water and soap powder was used and there was a cylindrical brush attached to an electric motor. This was an ongoing job.  We employed Mrs Forrest, who stayed in Bedford Street.  She came in every day to wash the bottles and do any cleaning that we needed done.

The milk we bottled was delivered by a horse was called Prince with his horse-drawn cart.  Prince and the cart were housed in a mews off Dean Park Street, a run-down area where the rich ('the Ann Street mob') used to keep their horses and carriages, with space above for their drivers to live.

We employed a man to do the deliveries."

Working at the Dairy

"Our life was getting up very early, 6am, and going to the shop. We ate all our meals there, did our homework, socialised and helped out when we could.  At night, around 11 pm, sometimes later, we went home once all the work was done.

The dairy was open 7 days a week, and at Christmas and New Year we opened for half a day so that customers could get their cream and milk fresh. We also sold milk straight from the churn.

The customers would provide their own jug and we’d fill it using a pewter measuring jug. When we went on to glass bottles the complaint was that the glass 'made the milk taste funny'."

Robin McAra, Trinity, Edinburgh:  November 6, 2013


To be continued:  more recollections have still to be added below.



The EdinPhoto web site includes:

-  Photos of Edinburgh (old and recent)

-  Engravings, Paintings and Postcards

Recollections and Edinburgh Today

Maps,  Transport and other Edinburgh Topics




To see any of these photos again

try doing a Google Search for

edinphoto memories talk



Here is small selection of photos

and a few index pages from


web site

but we'll probably not look any further down the page this evening.  It's really the subject of a different talk!

Edinburgh Views



Street Views

  Tram at the West End of Princes Street ©

Please scroll down



and statues

 Engraving from Nelson's Pictorial Guide Books  -  High Street and St Giles Church ©

Please scroll down



Parks and Towns

 Post Card - On the Firth of Forth - JR Russell, Edinburgh ©

Please scroll down


Abbey Strand

Academy Street

Admiralty Street

Advocate's Close

Ainslie Place

Albert Place

Albert Road

Albion Road

Anchor Close

Anderson Place

Angle Park Terrace

Annandale Street


Annfield Street

Arboretum Avenue

Arden Street

Ardmillan Terrace

Argyle Place

Argyle Square

Arthur Place

Arthur Street

Ashley Terrace

Atholl Crescent


Baberton Avenue

Baberton Loan

Baird Drive

Bakehouse Close

Balfour Street

Ballantyne's Close

Bangor Road

Bank Place Leith

Bath Road

Bath Street

Beaumont Place

Beaverbank Place

Beaverhall Road

Bedford Street

Belford Mews

Belford Road

Bellevue Place

Bellevue Road

Bellevue Street

Bell's Brae

Bernard Street, Leith

Bingham Broadway

Bingham Place

Blair Street

Blackford Avenue

Blackfriars Street

Blackhall Cycle Path

Bonaly Road N Merchiston

Bonaly Wester

Bonnington Avenue

Bonnington Road

Bonnington Toll

Blenheim Place

Boswall Avenue

Boswall Drive

Boswall Parkway

Boswall Quadrant

Boswall Road

Braid Avenue

Braid Place

Braid Road

Brandon Street

Bridge Place

Brighton Street

Bristo Place

Bristo Street

Broomhouse Road

Broomhouse Drive

Broomhouse Place North

Brougham Place

Broughton Place

Broughton Road

Broughton Street

Brown Street

Brunswick Road

Brunswick Street


Buckingham Terrace

Buccleuch Place

Buccleuch Street

Burlington Street


Cables Wynd

Calder Road

Calton Hill

Cambusnethan Street

Candlemaker Row


Carberry Place

Cargil Terrace

Carnegie Street

Caroline Park Grove

Carrick Knowe Hill


Castle Street

Castle Terrace

Castle Wynd South


Causewayside  -  shops

Chambers Street

Chapel Street

Charles Street

Charlotte Square

Chessel's Court

Clarenden Crescent

Circus Lane

Clerk Street

Clermiston Road

Cluny Drive


Coates Crescent

Coates Gardens

Coatfield Lane

Coburg Street

Cockburn Street

Colinton Road

Comely Bank Avenue

Comely Bank Roundabout

Comiston Road

Commercial Street, Leith

Corunna Street

Cowan's Close


Craigentinny Ave North

Craigentinny Crescent

Craighall Crescent

Craighall Road

Craigleith Road

Craigmillar Castle Grove

Craigmillar Castle Gardens

Craigmillar Castle Road

Craigmillar Castle Terrace

Craigmillar Park

Craigour Avenue

Craigour Crescent

Craigour Drive

Crewe Crescent

Crewe Road Gardens

Cross Entry

Cumberland Street


Dalhousie Terrace

Dalkeith Road

Dalmeny Street

Dalry Road

Danube Street

Davie Street

Darnaway Street

Dean Bank Lane

Dean Bridge

Dean Path

Dean Street

Dean Terrace

Denham Green Avenue

Dreghorn Loan

Drum Street

Drummond Place

Drummond Street

Drumsheugh Gardens

Duke Street  Edinburgh

Duke Street  Leith

Dumbiedykes Road

Dundas Street

Dundee Street


Earl Grey Street

Earl Haig Gardens

East Arthur Place

East Claremont Street

East Crosscauseway

East London Street

East Market Street

East Norton Place

East Preston Street

East Thomas Street

East Trinity Road

East William Street

Easter Road

Ebenezer Mount

Edina Street

Edinburgh Bypass

Edinburgh Road

Elgin Terrace

Ellen's Glen Loan

Ellen's Glen Road

Eyre Place

Elm Row


Ferry Road

Ferry Road Avenue

Ferry Road Drive

Fettes Row

Fleshmarket Close

Forbes Street

Forrest Road

Fort Place

Fort Street

Forth Street

Fountain Close


Fraser Avenue

Fraser Grove

Frederick Street

Frogston Road


Gardner's Crescent

Gayfield Square

George Square

George Street

George IV Bridge

Gibb's Entry

Gifford Park

Giles Street

Gillespie Place

Gilmerton Road

Gilmour Street

Gladstone Terrace

Glasgow Road

Glenallan Drive

Glenfinlas Street

Glengyle Terrace

Glenlockhart Road

Glenogle Road

Gogar Junction

Gorgie Road

Graham Street

Granton Road

Granton Square


Great Junction St, Leith

Great King Street

Greenbank Drive

Greenbank Grove

Greenbank Road

Greendykes Road

Greenhill Place

Greenside Place

Greenside Row

Grindlay Street

Grove Street

Gypsy Brae


Hailsland Park

Hamilton Place

Hamilton Street  Leith

Hanover Street

Harewood Road

Harrison Gardens

Harrison Road

Haugh Park

Hawthornbank Lane

Hay Drive

Hay Road


Henderson Place

Henderson Row

Henderson Street

Heriot Hill Terrace

Heriot Bridge

Heriot Mount

Heriot Row

High School Wynd

High School Yards

High Street

High Street, Portobello

High Street, Queensferry

High Street Closes

Hillside Crescent

Holyrood Park Road

Holyrood Road

Holyrood Square

Hope Park Terrace

Hope Street

Howard Place

Howard Street

Howe Street

Hugh Miller Place

Hunter Square

Hutchison Crossway

Hutchison Road

Hyvot Terrace


India Place

India Street

Inglis Green Road

Infirmary Street

Inverleith Gardens

Inverleith Place

Inverleith Row

Inverleith Terrace


Jamaica Street Edinburgh

Jamaica Street Leith

James' Court

Jameson Place

Jawbone Walk

Jeffrey Street

Johnston Terrace

Joppa Road

Junction Bridge


Keir Street

King's Road, Portobello

King's Stables Road

Kirk Street, Leith

Kirkgate, Leith

Kirkgate, Liberton


Lady Stair's Close

Lauderdale Street

Lauriston Place

Laverockbank Road


Learmonth Avenue

Learmonth Terrace

Leith Street

Leith Walk

Leith Walk  -  shops

Leith Wynd

Lennox Row

Leven Terrace

Leslie Place

Lindsay Road

Little King Street

Littlejohn Road

Lochend Drive

Logie Green Road

London Street

London Road

Longstone Road

Lothian Road

Low Calton

Lower Granton Road

Lower Viewcraig Row

Lutton Place

Lyne Street

Lynedoch Place


McDonald Road

Madeira Street

Main Street

Manderston Street

Marchmont Road

Mardale Crescent

Market Street  Edinburgh

Market Street  Leith

Marionville Drive

Maritime Street

Marshall Street

Mayfield Gardens

Meadow Lane

Mayfield Road

Melgund Terrace

Melville Drive

Miller Row

Milne's Court

Montpelier Park

Moray Place

Moredun Crescent

Moredun Park

Morningside Road

Morrison Street


Mountcastle Drive

Muirhouse Green

Muirhouse Way

Murano Place

Murrayfield Avenue


New Lane

New Street

New Town

Newcraighall Road

Newtoft Street

Newhaven Esplanade

Newhaven Road

Nicolson Square

Nicolson Street

Niddrie House Avenue

Niddrie Mains Drive

Niddrie Mains Road

Niddry Street South

North Bank Street

North Bridge

North Fort Street

North Junction Street

North West Circus Place


Ocean Drive

Ocean Way

Old Sugarhouse Close

Old Tolbooth Wynd

Old Town

Orchard Brae

Orchard Road


Parliament Place  Leith

Parliament Square  Leith

Patrick Geddes Steps

Peffermill Road

Pembroke Place

Pennywell Gardens

Pennywell Grove

Pennywell Medway

Pennywell Place

Pennywell Road

Picardy Place

Pier Place Newhaven

Piershill Square West

Pirrie Street  Leith

Pilton Avenue

Pitt Street

Pitt Street  Leith


Portobello Road

Portobello Roundabout

Portsburgh Square


Primrose Bank Road

Prince Consort Place Leith

Prince Regent Street

Princes Street

Princes Street: looking E

Princes Street: looking N

Princes Street: looking S

Princes Street: looking W

Prospect Place

Prospect Street

Prospect Terrace


Queen Charlotte Street

Queen Street

Queen's Drive

Queensferry Road

Queensferry Street


Raeburn Place

Ramsay Lane

Randolph Lane

Rankeillor Street

Rattray Grove

Rattray Loan

Ravenscraig Street

Redbraes Place

Regent Terrace

Regent Road

Reid Terrace

Reid's Close

Restalrig Road

Restalrig Road South

Richmond Lane

Riddle's Court

Rintoul Place

Rodney Street

Rose Street

Rosebank Road

Roseburn Street

Roseburn Terrace

Rossie Place

Royal Circus

Royal Terrace

Royal Mile

Royal Mile Closes

Royal Terrace

Rutland Square


St Andrew Place

St Andrew Square

St Andrew Street Leith

St Anthony Lane

St Bernard's Crescent

St James' Square

St John Street

St John's Hill

St John's Place

St John's Road

St John's Square

St Leonard's Bank

St Leonard's Hill

St Leonard Lane

St Leonard Street

St Leonard's Terrace

St Mary's Street

St Mary's Wynd

St Patrick Square

St Stephen Street

St Vincent Street

St Vincent Place

Salamander Street  Leith

Salisbury Square

Salisbury Street

Saltire Square

Saughton Mains Gardens

Sandport Place

Seafield Road

Seafield Road East

Semple Street

Simon Square

Shaftesbury Park

Shandwick Place

Sheriff Brae, Leith

Shore, Leith

Simon Square

Slateford Road

South Bridge

Southfield Place

South Charlotte Street

South Elgin Street

South Oxford Street

South Richmond Street

South St Andrew Street

South St David Street

South Trinity Road

Southhouse Road

Springwell Place

Stamp Office Close

Starbank Road

Station Brae

Stenhouse Road


Stirling Road

Straiton Place

Straiton Road

Strathearn Place

Sugarhouse Close


Surgeons' Square


Tanner's Close

Telford Road

Temple Park Crescent

The Steils

Thirlstane Road

Thorntree Street Leith

Timber Bush

Tolbooth Wynd



Trinity Crescent

Trinity Road

Torphichen Place

Tower Place

Tweeddale Court

Tynecastle Place


Upper Viewcraig Row



Victoria Street

Victoria Terrace

Viewcraig Gardens

Viewcraig Row

Viewcraig Street


Viewforth Park


Waddell Place

Wardie Avenue

Wardie Crescent

Wardie Road

Wardie Square

Wardlaw Street

Wardrop's Court

Warrender Park Road

Warrender Park Terrace

Warriston's Close

Warriston Road

Waterfront Avenue

Water Street

Waterloo Place

Watson Crescent

Watson Terrrace

Wauchope Avenue

Wauchope Crescent

Wauchope Place

Wauchope Terrace

Waverley Bridge

Wellhead Close

Wemyss Place

West Bow

West Bowling Green St

Westburn Gardens

West Bryson Road

West Catherine Place

West Crosscauseway

West Granton Access

West Granton Crescent

West Granton Drive

West Granton Place

West Granton Road

West Harbour Road

West Norton Place

West Pilton Gardens

West Pilton Grove

West Pilton Road

West Pilton Street

West Port

West Saville Terrace

West Shore Road

Wester Close

Wester Hailes Drive

White Horse Close

Whitehouse Loan

Wilkie Place

Willowbrae Road

Woodburn Terrace



York Place

Zetland Place

All Streets

Street Furniture

Street Art and Graffiti


Adam Smith Statue

Advocates Library

Allan Ramsay House

Anchor Apartments

Anchor Inn Roadhouse

Art Space Craigmillar

Asa Wass Scrap Yard

Assembly Hall

Assembly Rooms

Assembly Rooms Leith


Baberton Lodge

Balmoral Hotel

Balmoral Hotel  Portobello

Bank of Scotland

Bannerman's Bar

Barbers' Shops

Barnbougle Castle

Barnie Battle's Pub

Barnton Hotel

Barnton House

Bedlam Theatre

Barbecue Grill & Restaurant

Barclay Church

Bible Land

Bill's Bar, Leith

Black Turnpike

Black Watch Memorial

Blind Asylum

Bonnington Bond

Bonnington Utd Free Church

Boroughmuir School


Braefoot Motor Garage

Braid Church

Braidwood Centre

Brass Monkey


Britannia Quay

British Linen Bank

Broomview House

Broughton Hall

Broughton Primary School

Bruce Peebles - Bonnington

Bruce Peebles - East Pilton

Burns Monument

Bus Depot

Bus Station

Burns Monument Regent Road

Burns Monument Leith

Buttercup Dairy Shops


C & A Modes

Caerketton Court

Café Royal

Cairngorm House

Calton Jail

Caledonian Brewery

Caledonian Hotel

Caley Station

Carlton Hotel

Camera Obscura

Canaan House

Cannonball House

Canongate Church

Candlemaker Row

Canongate Tolbooth

Canonmills Baptist Church

Cardinal Beaton's House

Caroline Park


Castlehill School

Castle Mills

Castle o' Clouts

Catholic Chapel

Central Bar, Leith

Central Garage

Central Library

Chancellor Court

Christ Church, Morningside


Chancelot Mill

Ciao Roma Restaurant


Citadel Court

City Chambers

City Hospital

City Mission

City Poorhouse

Clermiston House

Clermiston Mains


Coach House Square

Coasters Roller Disco

Cockburn Engineering

Coillesdene House

Comiston Castle

Comiston House

Cook's Balmoral Hotel

Corinthian Quay

Corporation Buildings  Leith

Corstorphine Heritage Centre

Corstorphine Hill Tower

Colinton Parish Church

Comiston House

Commercial Street

The Conspirators Café'

Corinthian Quay

Corn Exchange

Corstorphine Church

County Cinema

Couper Street School

Cox's Glue Works, Gorgie

Craigentinny Marbles

Craiglockhart Primary School

Craigmillar Castle

Craigmillar Com Arts Centre

Craigmillar Primary School

Croall, Coachbuilders

Croft-an-Righ House


Cullen  Confectioner

Custom House, Leith


Dalmeny House

Daniel Stewart College

Darling's Regent Hotel

David Kilpatrick School

Davie Street School

Deaconess Hospital

Dean Gallery

Dean Orphanage

Dean School

Deacon Brodie's Tavern

DJ Motors

Dr Bell's School


The Dome

Dovecot Studios

Donaldson's College

Duddingston Kirk

Dugald Stewart Monument

Dundas House

Dynamic Earth


Easter Duddingston Lodge

Eastern General Hospital

Edinburgh Academy

Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle views from ...

Edinburgh City Council HQ

Edinburgh Jail

Edinburgh Ladies College

Edinburgh Royal Infirmary

Edinburgh University

Edzell Lodge

Edinburgh Wheel

Eldorado Ballroom

Embassy Cinema

Empire Theatre

Excise Office

Express Holiday Inn


Fairmile Inn


Ferry Tap

Fettes College

Fire Stations

Flora Stevenson School

Foot of the Walk, Leith

Footballer's Arms

Fort House  Leith

Fort Primary School

Free Church of Scotland


Gaiety Theatre

Gallery of Modern Art

Gayfield House

General Post Office

George Heriot's School

George Watson's School

Gorgie House

Gorgie Mills

Gillespie's Hospital

Gilmerton Police Station

Gilmerton Primary School

Gladstone Monument

Gladstone's Land

Glenalmond Court

Glenogle Baths

Gogarburn House


Gorgie Cottages

Gorgie Tram Depot

Gormley Statues

Governor's House

Gracemount High School

Gracemount high rise flats

Grampian House

Granton Castle

Granton Custom House

Granton Gas Works

Granton Gas Works Station

Granton House

Granton Methodist Church

Granton Ice Works

Granton Road Station

Granton Station

Granton United Church

Greyfriars Church

Greenbank Cottage

Greenland Mill

Greendykes House

Grosvenor Hotel



Halfway House

Harrison Park Apartments

Haymarket Hotel

HBOS Offices

Heriot's Hospital

Hermiston Court

High School Wynd

High Street Hostel

Holy Trinity Church

Holyrood  Abbey

Holyrood Dairy

Holyrood Palace

Hope Park Free Church


Hotel Misssoni


The Hub

Hunter's Tryst

Huntly House


IKEA store

Inch House

Inchcolm Court

Industrial School


Jacey News Theatre

Jacobean Café + Gift Shop

James Clark's School

James Gillespie's High School

James Dunbar lemonade works

Jeanie Deans' Cottage

Jenners Department Store

Jewel Cottages

Jewish Temple

Jock Howieson's House

John Knox House

John Watson's Hospital

John Watson's School


King's Theatre

King's Wark  Leith

Kingston House


La Fiesta Café

Ladies' College - Queen St.

Lady Haig's Poppy Factory

Lady Stair's House

Lady Yester Church

Laing's Foundry

Laird of Dumbiedykes House

Lamb's House

Lauriston Castle

Le Monde

Leith Academy

Leith Burns Statue

Leith Churches

Leith Citadel Station

Leith Corn Exchange

Leith Custom House

Leith Fire Station

Leith Exchange Buildings

Leith High School

Leith Nautical College

Leith North Church

Leith Police Station

Leith Primary School

Leith Provident Co-op

Leith St James Church

Leith St Ninian's Church

Leith Signal Tower

Leith School of Art

Leith South Leith Church

Leith Town Hall

Leith Victoria AAC

Leith Walk Primary School

Leith Waterworld

Liberton Filtration Plant

Liberton Churches

Liberton Primary School

Liberton Tower


Life Association Office

Lighthouse, Granton

Loanhead  Water Dept Cottage

Lockhart Memorial Church

London Road Fire Station

London Road Parish Church

Longstone Bus Garage

Longstone Inn

Looking down on Edinburgh

Lorimer & Clark's Brewery

Lufra Cottage


Mackie's Restaurant

Mahogany Land

Malmaison Hotel  Leith


Mansfield Traquair Centre

Marine Gardens Ballroom

Marine Hotel, Newhaven

Market Cross

Martyr's Tomb

Mary of Guise's House

Martello Court

Martello Tower

Maule's Dept. Store

Mayfield Salisbury Church

McEwan Hall

Meadowbank Stadium

Mechanic Arms

Melville Monument

Merchant Maiden Hospital

Merchiston Castle School

Merchant Navy Memorial

Methodist Chapel

Michael's Café

Middleton House

Miller Mausoleum

Millers Wireless

Milton House School

Mr Purves' Lamp Emporium

Monseigneur News Theatre


Moray House

Moredun Crescent

Moredun School

Morningside Parish Church

Morton House

Moubray House

Mount Alvernia Convent

Muirhouse Mansion

Muirhouse tower block

Muirhouse Towers

Murrayfield Convalescent Home

Murrayfield Stadium


Myreside Pavilion


National Galleries

National Library

National Monument

National Museum of Scotland

Navy Club

Nelson Monument

Nelson's Works

Nether Bow Port

New College

New County Hall

New Palace Cinema

New Victoria Cinema

Newhaven Station


Niddrie House

Niddrie Marischal House

Niddrie Mill Sunday School

North British Distillery

North British Hotel

North British Rubber Co

Northern General Hospital

North Merchiston Boys' Club

North Merchiston School

Norton Park School

Norwegian Seamen's Church

Now & Then  shop


Observatory, Calton Hill

Ocean Terminal

Oddfellows' Hall

Old Buccleuch Parish School

Old Chain Pier

Old Observatory House

Old Town Fire

Old Town Houses

Old Town Weaving Co.

Omni Centre

Out of the Blue Drill Hall

Outlook Tower


Palace Cinema  Leith

Palace Picture House

Palais de Dance

Palm House

Parcel Depot

Parker's Store

Parsons Green School

Parliament House

Patrick Thomson store

Peacock Inn

Peffermill School

Peffermill Tin School

Penny Tenement

Pentland Hills Hotel

Persevere Court

Physicians' Hall

Pied Piper

Piershill Barracks

Pilrig House

PIN Hall, Gilmerton

Playhouse Theatre

Pleasance Courtyard

Polton Farm

Polwarth Parish Church

Poor Clares Convent

Poppy Factory

Portrait Gallery

Portobello Bathing Pool

Portobello Free Church

Powderhall Refuse Depot

Preston Street School

Prestonfield House


Prince Albert Buildings

Princes Street Shops

Princes Street Station


Public Houses


The Quarter Gill public house

Quayside Mills  Leith

Queen Mary's  Bath House


Ramsay Garden

Redford Barracks

Redhall House

Reid Memorial Church

Regent Bridge

Regent Murray's House

Register House

Rex Launderette

Ritz Cinema

Robin Chapel

Robin's Nest

Rock House

Ronaldson's Wharf

Roseburn Armoury

Roseburn House

Ross Bandstand

Ross Fountain


Royal Bank of Scotland

Royal Botanic Garden

Royal Exchange

Royal High School

Royal Hospital for Sick Children

Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh

Royal Institution

Royal Mile Primary School

Royal Museum of Scotland

Royal Observatory

Royal Scots Greys Statue

Royal Scottish Academy

Royal Victoria Hospital

Royston Primary School

Rutherford's Lounge Bar


Sailors' Home  Leith

St Aidan's Church

St. Andrew's Church

St. Andrew's House

St. Anthony's Chapel

St. Ann's School

St. Bernard's Well

St. Columba's Hospice

St. Cuthbert's Church

St. Francis' School

St. George's Church

St. George's Chapel

St. George's School

St. George's West

St. Giles' Church

St. Hilda's School

St. James' Centre

St. John's Church

St. Leonard's Engine Shed

St Margaret's Church Dum'dykes

St Margaret Mary's Church

St Leonard's Parish Church

St. Margaret's Convent

St. Mary Star of the Sea

St. Mary's Cathedral

St. Michael's Church

St. Mungo's Church

St. Patrick's Church

St. Patrick's School

St. Paul's Church St Leonard's

St. Paul's Church York Place

St. Philips Episcopal Church

St. Raphael's Hospital

St. Stephen's Church

Saughton House

Scandinavian Church  Leith


Scotsman Steps

Scott Monument

Scott Monument views from ...

The Scottish Gallery

Scottish Executive Office

Scottish Gas Head Office

Scottish Government Office

Scottish Mint

Scottish Natl. Portrait Gallery

Scottish Parliament

Scottish Widows Office


Selex Galileo Factory

Shakespeare Square

Shakespeare Theatre

Sheraton Hotel

Sherriff Court



Sick Children's Hospital

Signal Box: Waverley East

Signet Library

Signal Tower  Leith

Silvermills Forge

Simon Square Wash House

Sinclair Fountain

SMT Sales & Service



South Bank House

South Leith Parish Church

Standard Life  George Street

Standard Life  Lothian Road

Standard Life  Tanfield

State Cinema  Gt Junction St


Sunset Blvd

Surgeon's Hall

Swanston Cottage


Tanfield Hall

Tanfield House

Taylor's Bakery

TEBA Boxing Academy

The Hub

Theatre Royal


Tolbooth St John's Church

Towerbank School

Trades' Maiden Hospital

Tram Depots

Trinity Academy

Trinity College Church

Tron Kirk

Tweedmuir House

Tynecastle High School


United Wire Works

Upper Spylaw Mill

Usher Hall

Usher's Brewery  St Leonard's


VA Tech, Leith

Victoria Bar

Victoria Baths

Victoria Hall


Wardie Bay Garage

Wardie Farm

Wardie House

Wardie Hotel

Wardie Lodge

Wardie Parish Church

Warrender Park Road

Watson's Hospital

Wauchope House

Waverley Market

Waverley Station

Waverley Steps

Weir Court

Well Court, Dean

Wells o' Wearie Cottage

Western General Hospital

Westland Cottages

White Hart Inn

White Horse Inn

White House Public House

William Waugh

Windsor Mansions

Wood's Barber Shop

Woodside Cottage

The Writers' Museum


Younger's Brewery






Arthur's Seat

Atholl Crescent Gardens






Bass Rock

Belhaven Bay





Blackford Hill

Blackford Pond


Bonnington Bridge



Boswall Estate

Botanic Garden

Braelangwell House

Braid Hills


Bristo Square



Buckstone Farm



Buttercup Poultry Farm


Calton Graveyards


Calton Hill

Cameron Toll




Caroline Park

Castle Terrace

Cattle Market


Chancelot Park

Church Hill

Coates Gardens




Comely Bank


Corstorphine Hill


Craigleith Quarry





Cramond Island

Crewe Toll



Dalgety Bay

Dalhousie Castle

Dalkeith Fever Hospital

Dalkeith Railway Station



Davidson's Mains

Dean Bridge

Dean Cemetery

Dean Village

Distant Views of Edinburgh


Duddingston Camp


Dundas Castle + Estate



Dunure Castle


Eagle Rock

East Lothian

East Wemyss

Eastern Cemetery

Echo Bank

Edinburgh Airport

Edinburgh and Leith

Edinburgh 'Chinatown'

Edinburgh Closes

Edinburgh Quay

Edinburgh Zoo



Exhibition - 1908



Festival Square

Figgate Pond

Firth of Forth


Floral Clock

Fort Kinnaird

Forth Bridge

Forth Road Bridge

Forthquarter Park







Glen Ogle

Glencorse Reservoir

Glencorse Viaduct








Granton Beach

Granton Harbour

Granton Lighthouse

Granton Middle Pier





Greyfriars' Graveyard



Harrison Park



High Rise Flats

Hermitage of Braid

Hopetoun House

Holy Corner


Holyrood Park

Hound Point

Holyrood Park

Hyvots Bank



Inch - Types of Tree




Inch Park






Inverleith Park


Jacob's Ladder



Juniper Green


Keddie Gardens

King Geo. V Playing Fields










Leith Docks

Leith Harbour

Leith Links

Leith Piers

Lethem Park



Little France


Loch Leven

Lochend Park

Lochinvar Camp

Lochrin Basin

London Rd Gardens





Marionville Park




The Meadows



Merchiston Tower

Middleton Camp




Mortonhall Estate






New Calton Cemetery

New Town





North Berwick

North Leith Cemetery

North Merchiston

North Queensferry


Old Cattle Market

Old Town

Old Town Closes



Parks and Gardens

Parsons Green

Pathhead Viaduct





Pentland Hills






Polton Farm


Port Edgar

Port Hopetoun

Port Seton



Princes Street Gardens



Queen Street Gardens


Queen's Park


Rannoch Moor


Redbraes Park


Rosebank Cemetery

Rosebery Reservoir

Rosebank Ceremony



Roslin Chapel

Rossie Castle

Rosslyn Chapel

Roslyn Castle

Rosyth Castle

Royal Botanic Garden

Royal Circus

Royal Gymnasium


St Andrews

St Andrew Square Gardens

St Leonard's

St Leonard's Sidings

St Margaret's Loch

Salisbury Crags

Samson's Ribs


Saughton Park




Seton Sands



'Slidey Stane'

South Queensferry




Stockbridge Colonies

Stockbridge 'Leafmen'






Tay Valley




Turnhouse Aerodrome



Union Canal


Victoria Park Leith




Wardie Bay


Warriston Cemetery

Warriston Crematorium

Water of Leith


Waverley Market

Waverley Railway

Waverley Steps

Waverley Valley

Wells o' Wearie

West End

West Granton

West Pilton

Wester Coates

Wester Drylaw

Wester Hailes

Whitehill Business Centre

Whitehill Hospital

Woodmuir Junction


Yellowcraigs Beach



Where and when?                   Pictures                             Other Questions






A map drawn and engraved for

The Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.

Map  - Edinburgh  -  1844  -  Produced for the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge


1844 map


1925 Map

© Peter Stubbs  Please contact for permission to reproduce


2001 Aerial View

©  Copyright: XYZ Digital Map Company LimitedClick here for details of web site.

 Around the Tron

1844 map

Edinburgh  -  1844  -  Map produced for the Society for the Dissemination of Useful Knowledge  -  Section K

Around the Tron

1925 Map

© Peter Stubbs  Please contact for permission to reproduce

Around the Tron

2001 Aerial View

Aerial View of Edinburgh  -  2001  -  Section K

©  Copyright: XYZ Digital Map Company Limited Click here for details of web site

Edinburgh Recollections




Edinburgh  Central

Old Town

including Dumbiedykes, St Leonards, South Side and Fountainbridge

../0_STREET/0_street_views_-_beaumont_place_demolition_penny_tenement_1959_942d.htm ©

Bannerman's Bar

Barron's Rag Merchants

Blackfriars Street


Brown Street

Brown's Place

Buccleuch Street



Carnegie Street

Castlehill Primary School

Central Garage  Annandale Street

Chambers Street

Chessels Court

Cockburn Street


Cowgate area

-  Croft-an-Righ


Dalrymple Place

Deaconess Hospital

Drummond Street

Dumbiedykes -  after demolition

Dumbiedykes - Arthur Street  Aitchison, Greengrocer

Dumbiedykes - Arthur Street  baker's shop

Dumbiedykes - Arthur Street  coal lorry

-  Dumbiedykes - Arthur Street  confectioner

Dumbiedykes - Arthur Street  demolition

Dumbiedykes - Arthur Street  Thomas Cullen's shop

Dumbiedykes - Houses and Streets

Dumbiedykes - Factories and Shops  1950s

Dumbiedykes - People and Play  1940s-1960s

Dumbiedykes - People and Play  1940s-1960s: page 2

Dumbiedykes - St Leonard's  1950s

Dumbiedykes - Searching for People

 - Dumbiedykes - Streets  A-G

Dumbiedykes - Streets  H-R

Dumbiedykes - Streets  S-Z

Dumbiedykes - Tenement Collapses

Dumbiedykes - 'The Embers'

Dumbiedykes - Tusi's ice cream shop

East Preston Street

Edinburgh Castle

Fleshmarket Close

Fountainbridge  Early recollections

Fountainbridge  from 1940s

The Grapes

The Grassmarket


Heriot Mount  Street Party

High School Yards

High Street

Holyrood Palace

Holyrood Park

Holyrood Road

Keir Street

Heriot Place

Infirmary Street Baths

James Clark School

James Wood  hairdresser

Jeannie Deans' Cottage

Jeannie Veitch's  sweetie shop

Keir Street


Lower Viewcraig Row

Milne's Court

Moubray House


Nicolson Street

Old Town Closes

Old Town Names

One O'Clock Gun

Pleasance  back greens



Prince Albert Buildings

Ramsay Lane

Rutherford's Lounge Bar

Royal Mile

St Ann's School

St John's Hill

St Leonard's Parish Church

St Mary's Street

St Patrick's Church

St Patrick Square

Salisbury Street

Searching for Poeple

Simon Square Wash House

Simpson Memorial Maternity Pavilion

South Clerk Street

South Side

Stewart's Bar


Tusi's sweetie shop

Upper Viewcraig Row

Upper Viewcraig  Low Road


Victoria Street

White Horse Close

New Town

Assembly Room Concerts

Atholl Crescent


Blenheim Place

Caledonian Station

Calton Hill

Calton Road

East London Street

Edinburgh  1950s

Fettes Row

Floral Clock

-  Gladstone Monument

George Street

Great King Street



Jamaica Street

Jerome's Studio

Leith Street

Lothian Road

Lothian Road Snack Bar

McDonald Road

Milne's Bar

The Mound

Nelson Street

Picardy Place

Pitt Street

Princes Street

Princes Street Gardens

Princes Street Station

Rose Street

Ross Bandstand

St Andrew Square  'The American Hut''

St James Square

St James' United Free Church

St Mary's Cathedral

Searching for Poeple

Sinclair Fountain

Thistle Street

Union Place

Waverley Market

Waverley Market  Epstein Exhibition

Waverley Station

West End

West End  Points Duty

Shops, Cafés, Restaurants

The Albert Bazaar

Benny's Shoe Shop

Baird's Shoe Shop

Cafés and Restaurants

Goldbergs Department Store

-  Hairdresser  Central Edinburgh

Highland House  Lawnmarket

Jenners Store

Milk Bars

Patrick Thomson's  and shops nearby

Record Shops

Roast Chicken Shops

Shops  Central Edinburgh

Waverley Tailoring Co

West Bow

West End  Cafés and Restaurants


Other Memories
and questions

Central Edinburgh



Edinburgh  -  East

Wauchope Terrace, Craigmillar ©



Cairntows  Craigmillar

Cambusnethan Street

Coillesdene House Joppa

Craigentinny  1940s

Craigmillar and Niddrie  1940s-50s

Craigmillar and Niddrie  1960s-70s

-  Craigmillar and Niddrie  1970s onwards

Craigmillar Castle

Craigmillar Castle Estate

Craigmillar - The Venchie


Duddingston Camp  1940s-50s

East Thomas Street  1930s-60s

East Thomas Street  neighbours

East William Street

Easter Road

-  Fisherrow Harbour

Fort Kinnaird


The Inch

Jeffrey Street

Jewel Cottages


Joppa  tram tracks

Lochend and Easter Road




Niddrie  1930s to1950s

Niddrie  1950s+1960s

Niddrie Mill

Niddrie Mill  Sunday School



-  Pilrig  1950s

Portobello  early 1900s

Portobello  1920s to 1950s

Portobello  from 1950s

Portobello Bathing Pool

Portobello High Street

Portobello Hotels early 1900s



Searching for People  East Edinburgh

South Elgin Street

-  Whitehouse Public House



Edinburgh  -  North

Boswall, Granton, Royston, Trinity, Wardie

Zoom-in to a photograph of Granton Road Station  -  1934 ©

Boswall + Granton + Trinity + Wardie - 1940s

Boswall + Granton + Trinity + Wardie - 1950s-70s

Boswall + Granton + Trinity + Wardie - Shops

Challenger Lodge

Comely Bank

Comely Bank  Milk Deliveries

Comely Bank  Moir & Baxter's Garage


Crewe Toll


Granton  1930s -50s

Granton  1950s

Granton 1950s-70s

Granton  1970s and 2000s

Granton, Boswall, Royston  since 1940s

Granton Harbour  then to Sea  1940s

Granton Harbour  T L Devlin, trawler owners

Granton Harbour  Brown, Blacksmith, WW1

-  Granton Harbour  esparto grass 1940s/50s

Granton Harbour  around 1960

Granton Harbour  1950s to 1970s

Granton House  to  Fire  1954

Granton - Lower Granton Road

Granton Ice Works  1950s-1970s

Granton Railway  1960s to 1980s


Inverleith Pond

Inverleith Terrace  Edzell Lodge

Leith Walk

Leith Walk Café

Lindsay Road and North Fort Street

Lochinvar Camp 1940s-50s

Lomond Park


Muirhouse Towers

Old Chain Pier

Pennywell  1940s


Pilton  1940 bomb

Royal Botanic Garden question

Royston  from 1930s

Royston 1970s

Scotland Street coal yard

-  Starbank Inn  1970s

Trinity Cottage

-  Wardie Residents' Club   from 1940s

Wardie School  1930s

Wardie School  1940s

Wardie School  1950s

Wardie School and Playgroup  1960s

Wardie School  1970s

Wardie School  1980s

Warriston Cemetery

West Granton:  Gypsy Brae  1950s

West Granton:  Shops  1950s

Wester Drylaw

Wester Hailes







including Pilrig - half way
between Edinbrugh and Leith

Edinburgh at Work  -  Anderson's Cooperage  -  Leith Docks, 1992 ©

Anderson Place

Assembly Rooms

Ballantyne Road

Bonnington Bond

Christening Pieces

Corunna Place

Capitol Picture House

Central Bar


Demarco's Ice Cream

Drinking in Leith

D K school  1950s

Dr Bell's school  1940s

Eldorado Dance Hall

Ferrier Street

First trip to sea


Gaiety Leith

Gordon Street

-  Growing up in Leith

Hamilton Street

Henderson Street


Leith Cafés

-  Leith Digs and Flats

Leith Docks

Leith Fort

Leith Houses

Leith Milk Deliveries

Leith  World War II

Leith Place Names

Leith Nautical College

Leith - Our Old Radio

Leith Pageant  1964

Leith Poem

-  Leith Police

Leith Pubs  many long since gone

-  Leith Questions

-  Leith Searching for People

Leith Snooker Halls

-  Leith Shipping

Leith Shops

Leith Street Names

Leith Tattoo Parlour

Leith Walk

Leith Wrestling

Leith Wild Cat

Lindsay Road

Links Primary School

Madeira Street

Manderston Street

North Fort Street

Ocean Mist

Parliament Street

Pilrig  1950s-60s

Pitt Street  Leith

Primrose Street

Sailing to Leith

Sailing to Leith on MV Cairndhu

Scandinavian Seamen's Church

Sheriff Brae

The Shore

Sun Ray Treatment

Union Street  1940s

Whaling from Leith  ancestors

Wild Cat

-  Winter of 1947

Yardheads closes

Yardheads Brewery





Edinburgh Entertainment + Hobbies

The Astoria  Corstorphine cinema


Ballroom Dancing Classes

Beehive Inn Restaurant

Beverley / Blue Halls Cinema


Cafés and Restaurants

Capitol Picture House  Leith

Cinemas and Theatres


Clubs and Discos  Recollections 1-100

Clubs and Discos  Recollections 101 onwards

Collecting Football Cards


Dance Bands

Dance Halls

Daniel Stewart's College

Early Circuses and Entertainers

The Embers  Dumbiedykes

Empire Theatre

Edinburgh Aero Club


Free Activities


Gonk Club  Tollcross

Ice Skating

James Brown  Melodion Player

Johnny and the Falcons  Dumbiedykes

The Jokers

King's Theatre

Ladies' Fashions

Lascala Cinema

Men's Fashions

Murrayfield Ice Rink  - Music

Murrayfield Ice Rink - Skating

Musselburgh Races

New Palais -  later McGoo's

New Victoria Cinema


Palais de Danse

Pantomimes and Theatres

Palladium  East Fountainbridge


-  Politics

Popular Music

Portobello Marine Gardens


Radio Programmes


Sparta Amateur Boxing Club

Street Entertainment

Students' Rag Week

Swimming Baths


Theatre Royal

Youth Hostelling



Edinburgh Schools and Colleges

W R & S Ltd photograph from the early 1900s  -  Boroughmuir School ©


Abbeyhill School

Ainslie Park School

All Saints School

-  Balgreen School Class  1936-37

Basil Paterson Tutorial College

Bellevue School  1946-50

Bonnington Primary School

Boroughmuir School  1940s to 1980s

-  Broughton School

Burdiehouse School

Canonmills Primary School

Castle Hill Primary School

Corstorphine School Class  1938

-  Couper Street School, Leith

Craiglockhart Primary School

Craigmillar Primary School

Dalry Primary School

Daniel Stewart's College

-  Darroch School

-  David Kilpatrick School, Leith

Dean Orphanage

Dean Village School

-  Donaldson's College

Dr Bell's School  around 1920

Dr Bell's school   1940s

Drumbrae Primary School

Drylaw Primary School

Duddingston Primary School

Edinburgh Academy

Edinburgh Castle School

Flora Stevenson's School

George Heriots

George Watson's College

-  Granton School   1940s + 1950

-  Granton School   1962


-  Hermitage Park Primary School  Centenary 2010

Holy Cross Academy

Hyvot's Bank Primary School

James Clark School  1961 photo

-  James Clark School

James Gillespie's School

John Watson School

Leith Academy  1952, class 3C2

Leith Academy

Leith Walk Primary School  1957

Links Primary School

-  London Street Primary School

-  Lorne Street School

Mary Erskine School

Melville College

Milton House Primary School

Moray House

Morningside: 'The Cuddy School'

Mrs Guthrie's 'Toy' School, Stockbridge

Murrayburn School

Napier College  Now Napier University

Niddrie Marischal School

North Fort Street Primary School

North Merchiston streets around the Primary School

North Merchiston School

-  North Merchiston School  photo, around 1944

Norton Park Secondary School

Orwell Primary School

Parsons Green School

Parsons Green School  1948-49

Peffermill Tin School

Pennywell Primary School

Pentland High School

Pilton Primary School

Portobello High School

Preston Street School  around 1950-51 

Preston Street School  around 1952

Preston Street School

Prestonfield Primary School

Roseburn Primary School

Royal High School

Royal Mile Primary School

Royston Primary School

-  Royston Primary School  class photo, 1946

St Ann's & St Patrick's Schools

St Ann's School  and playground

St Anthony's School

St Anthony's School  class photo

St David's School

St Francis' School

St Hilda's School

St Ignatius School

St John's School  Portobello, 1920s-50s

St John's School  Portobello, from 1950s

St Margaret's Convent

St Mary's Primary School  York Lane

St Mary's Primary School Henderson Street

St Ninian's Primary School

St Patrick's School

St Saviour's Child Garden

St Thomas of Aquin's School

Sciennes Primary School

Stenhouse School

South Bridge School

South Morningside School

Stockbridge Primary School

Tollcross Primary School

Tollcross Primary School  early 1950s

Tollcross Primary School - visit 1985

Towerbank School

Trinity Academy to Empire Exhibition - 1938

Trinity Academy  from 1940s

Tynecastle Secondary School

Usher Hall  Secondary Schools Concert:  1971

-  Victoria School

Wardie School  -  1930s   1940s   1950s   1960s    1970s    1980s


Wester Hailes Education Centre

More Class Photos


School Camps

Middleton Residential School Camp  near Borthwick Castle

Broomlea School Camp  near West Linton




Buses and Coaches

Bus and Tram Journeys

-  Bus Route 19

Buses and Trams  Toilet Blocks

Cable Cars

Central Garage  Annandale Street

Edinburgh Airport

-  Edinburgh Corporation Transport  Fitzpayne

-  Edinburgh Corporation Transport  Charlie Carroll

-  Gas-Powered Buses

George Hunter's coaches: Loanhead

German Open-top Cars  Hitler or Goring

Horse-drawn trams

Leith Bus Depot  Outings + Parties

-  Lothian Buses  bus tracker system

Newbattle School Bus Accident  near Newtongrange

Railway to Texaco Oil Plant

SMT buses

Steam Buses

-  Steam-powered Lorries

Tram Line Maintenance

William Stewart's coaches  Dalkeith

School Buses

Cars, Vans, Lorries

Belgrave Motors

Milk Floats and Bakers' Vans

Pentland Garage

Wood's Garage


Granton-Burntisland Ferry

Queensferry Ferry


Caledonian Station

Granton Railway  1960s-1980s

Granton Road Station

Last Steam Trains  Edinburgh area

The Line to Leith North Station

Leith Stations

Musselburgh to Edinburgh

Princes Street Station

St Margaret's Railway Depot


Sailing to Leith

Concrete Ships  built at Granton

Steam Rollers

in and around Edinburgh



Edinburgh's Last Tram

Luggage on Trams

North Bridge

Trams during WW2

Tramcar Adventures

Growing up with Transport

Cars, Boats and Planes



Edinburgh at War

and the years following the War

-  Air Raids, Shelters and Bombs



ATS question

Albert Docks, Leith  crates for US army trucks

Botanic Gardens

British Ropes

Christmas and Hogmanay


Combined Cadet Force  (CCF)

Dr Bell's school  - 1940s

Edinburgh at War  - These are the first recollections that I received

Edinburgh Civil Defence Messenger Service  1940s


Evacuation  -  to near Peebles


Guide to Edinburgh Air Raid Shelters


Hutments  -  constructed 1920s


Leith  mini-Blitz

Marchmont Bomb


Pentland Hills

Pilton Bomb  1940

Play  Edinburgh During the War Years

Police Boxes

Post-war years  from 1945

Prefab Housing  -  constructed 1940s

Princes Street Gardens

Prisoners of War  -  farm workers


Royal Mail  -  Pillar Boxes

Royston -  around 1940


-  Shopping - during and after WW2

-  Squadrons


Trinity Academy  - 1940s


The War Effort

Wartime Housing

World War II  -  documents



Edinburgh at Work

  Jeffrey Street  -  Wood Brothers' fish delivery van  ©

Acme Farms Dairy

W G Adams:  Butcher, Dalkeith

Annandale Motors

Asa Wass:  rag and bone man + scrap yard

Auto Sales

Baker:  Lambert's, Kerr's, Mack's, Crawford's, University

Barron's:  rag merchants

Bank of Scotland

Baxters the Butchers

Beaverbank industries  -  1940s

Beaverbank Motors

Ben Line

Beveridge grocer at Gilmerton - 1950s-60s

D Brotchie & Sons  Coal Merchants

Broughton Industries

Brown Brothers

Bruce Peebles  Engineering Works

Buttercup Dairy Company

Caledonian Brewery

Campbell Harper  photographers

Central Edinburgh Shops

Central Garage  Annandale Street

E Chalmers & Co

Chimney Sweeps

JP Cochrane

Colin McAndrew & Partners builders

Coltart  net works at Granton

Co-op  Henderson Street, Leith

Cowan's Yard

Cox's Glue Works  Gorgie

Crawford's Biscuits  Leith


Devlin  trawler owners


Dunbar & Co soft drinks

Duncan's Chocolates

Edinburgh & Dumfriesshire Dairy Co

East Preston Street  chimney sweeps

Edinburgh University

-  Edinburgh Corporation Transport  Buses and City Cars



Farm workers and Wimpey workers

Fell & Mathieson  plumbers


Forth Bridge

Frosts' Furnishing Shop

Furness Withy  Leith Docks

George Brown & Sons  boatyard

George Gibson:  Leith

John Glindinning & Sons - Plumbers

-  George Greenhill & Son  painters

George Hunter's coaches: Loanhead

Granton Harbour  -  Brown, Blacksmith, WW1

Granton Harbour  -  T L Devlin, trawler owners

-  Granton Ice Works

-  Hawthorn's Shipbuilders  -  Leith

-  Haymarket Railway Depot

Henry Robb's Ship Yards  Leith

Hislop & Day

Holyrood Breweries

House of Clydesdale

Ice Cream Van

Ingin Johnny

Jaeger  -  Princes Street shop

James Bowen & Sons  Garage

James Dunbar  Lemonade

Jenners  -  Princes Street shop

John Clephane & Sons

John Gibson & Son  Garage

-  W & AK Johnson

-  A Kay  -  trawler owner

Kings of Glasgow

Leith Bus Depot  Outings + Parties

Leith Co-op Milk Deliveries

Leith Docks  early 1900s

Leith Nautical College

Leith Police

Liberton Filtration Plant

Lorimer & Clark's Brewery

Lothian Crisp Factory

Lothian Region Transport  Signwriting

Manclark & Son  tailors

Matheson, McLaren & Co tea and coffee

Mat Rooney  26 jobs

McKenzie chimney sweep

-  McVities Guest Bakery

Meadows Railway Yard

Merchiston Motors

Miller & Co  Foundry

Miler's Wireless

Moir & Baxter's garage

Murrayfield Dairy

Murray's Cooperage

National Bank of Scotland

Niddrie Mill Garage

North British Distillery

North British Rubber Works

Onion Johnny

Pentland Garage

Peter Victory  taxis

Photographer's Shop

Polar Ices



Railways  -  Brunswick Road Goods Yard

Road Works and Steam Rollers

Robert Cresser

Royal Blind Asylum

St Cuthbert's Co-op Milk Deliveries

St Cuthbert's Co-op Works Dept.

St Margaret's Railway Depot

Scottish Union / Norwich Union Insurance Co

Shades Potato Merchants

Steel Coulson's Brewery

T&H Smith

SMT buses

-  SMT Sales & Service

Street Sweeping  scaffies

The Store (The Co-op including milk deliveries)

Thomas Nelson & Sons

Thomas 'Wingy' Robertson's Yard  Leith

-  Thomson & Porteous  tobacco, snuff, cigarettes, cigars

United Wire Works

Viewforth Coachworks

Waddel's Pork Butcher

Weston's Biscuits

Whisky Bond

Whytock & Reid

William Stewart's coaches  Dalkeith

William Younger Brewery  Holyrood

-  Wood Brothers, fish merchants  Newhaven

-  Young Brothers bakery



Edinburgh Housing

and the years following the War

Household Bills and Notices

-  Prefab Housing  -  constructed 1940s



Edinburgh Street Furniture

There are some recollections included amongst the photos that I have added to these sections of the EdinPhoto web site:

-  Gates and Railings

Street Lighting

Letter Boxes

Police Boxes

Posters and Adverts

Road Signs


Street Names

Telephone Boxes



Film Clips and Films

Arthur Street  1961

Edinburgh Streets  1950

Old Sugarhouse Close  1939

Princes Street   Allies Week Parade 1942

St Cuthbert's Milk Deliveries  1967

Ritz Cinema Construction  1929

Singing in Edinburgh Streets  1950s

**  These links will take you to different web sites.  To return
 to the EdinPhoto web site, you will have to click on 'back'.


Recent Photos

I like to work in themes.

Here are some of my themes that I've added to the web site so far:

My Photos

by Peter Stubbs


   Edinburgh Castle and Fireworks ©


Beltane Fire Festival 2006

Beltane Fire Festival 2007

Beltane Fire Festival 2008

Edinburgh Christmas 2005

Edinburgh Closes

Edinburgh CowParade 2006

Edinburgh Festival 2003

Edinburgh Festival 2004

Edinburgh Festival 2005

Edinburgh Festival 2006

Edinburgh Festival 2010

Edinburgh Festival 2013

Edinburgh Festival Cavalcade 2009

Edinburgh Fire

Edinburgh Flights

Edinburgh Jazz & Blues 2009

Edinburgh New Year 2007

Edinburgh Police Boxes

Edinburgh Road Works

Edinburgh Shops

Edinburgh Snack Bars

Edinburgh Waterfront

Leith Docks


    My Photographs  -  Highland Piper ©

Scotland - Page 1

Scotland - Page 2

Forth Bridge

Highland Games

Life of Jesus Play

Petrol Pumps

Portobello Festival 2003

Scottish Railway Stations



   Farrier and Horse ©

Edinburgh at Work
All Companies

Scotland at Work
All Companies

Edinburgh at Work
a few thumbnails

Scotland at Work
a few thumbnails


   Photograph by Peter Stubbs  -  Edinburgh  -  August 2002  -  Umbrella in the Royal Mile ©

Edinburgh - Year

Edinburgh - January

Edinburgh - March

Edinburgh - April

Edinburgh - May

Edinburgh - June

Edinburgh - August

Edinburgh - October

Edinburgh - November

Edinburgh - December

Royal Scots Greys statue



   My Photographs  -  Hong Kong  -  Star Ferry ©



Hong Kong




London -  Monopoly Board


Other places


   Granton Flag ©


Citroen 2CV cars


Hill & Adamson style




Pinhole photos

School - 1962



Here are 3 photos from my 'Edinburgh at Work' theme, taken in the 1990s:

Burton's Biscuits  -  1992

Edinburgh at Work  -  Burton's Biscuits

©  Copyright: Peter Stubbs                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Photograph taken 25 May 1992

Cresser's Brush Shop  -  1994

Robert Cresser's Brush Shop at 40 Victoria Street, Edinburgh

©  Photograph:                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Photo taken: 30 May 1994

Shrubhill Workshops -  1996

 Edinburgh at Work  -  Lothian Region Transport  -  Shrubhill Works

©  Copyright: Peter Stubbs                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Photograph taken July 17, 1996

These are some of the other companies that I visited, while taking my 'Edinburgh at Work' photos:



Edinburgh at Work  -  Anderson's Cooperage  -  Leith Docks ©

1992 and 1993

Anderson's Cooperage

Anderson's Cooperage opened in Leith Docks in 1991.

It was a small company employing coopers who had previously worked for Kinnairds.

The company survived for a few years.



Edinburgh at work  -  Baker & Clairmount, linotype printers ©


Baker & Clairmount

linotype printers

In the early 1990, there were only two hot metal printers left in Edinburgh:

-   Speedspools (who used monotype equipment)

-   Baker & Clairmount (who used linotype equipment.

Both have since closed. 

Bank of Scotland Bank Notes about to be burnt ©


Bank of Scotland


I took photos of both Bank of Scotland (now HBoS) and the Royal Bank of Scotland burning their old banknotes, withdrawn from circulation in the early 1990s.

Here are the Bank of Scotland photos.

Edinburgh at Work  -  Brodie, Hamilton, Melrose  -  Tea and Coffee ©


Brodie, Hamilton, Melrose

tea and coffee

Brodie Hamilton Melrose was, an old-established Leith company that was based at 130 Constitution Street, Leith.

Around 1994, they moved to new premises at Dock Street, Leith, trading as 'Brodies'

Edinburgh at Work  -  Brodies  -  Tea and Coffee ©



tea and coffee

The workforce of Drysdale and Brodie, Hamilton, Melrose came together in 1991 following a takeover.

The company moved to new premises in Dock Street, Leith, around 1994 and traded 'Brodies'.

Burton's Biscuits ©


Burton's Biscuits

Burton's Biscuits have a modern factory at Sighthill.

They are the largest manufacturer of Rich Tea Biscuits in Europe.

Bruce Lindsay Waldie  -  Coal Merchants ©

1990 to 1993

Bruce Lindsay Waldie

Coal Merchants

In the early 1990s, Bruce Lindsay Waldie had an old coal yard immediately to the west of Haymarket station.

They then moved to larger premises with more modern equipment beside the railway, off Sir Harry Lauder road at Portobello.



A picture of Benjamin Franklin using a printing press  -  on the wall of the Cafe Royal, Edinburgh ©


Café Royal

Inside the main bar of the Café Royal there are some attractive murals of industries, made from tiles.

I believe that these were created for one of the early exhibitions in Edinburgh, possibly 1886.

Caledonian Brewery  -  Real Ale ©


Caledonian Brewery

Caledonian is a  prize-winning brewery making traditional ale beside the railway at Slateford.

Central Demolition - a worker supervises the burning of material during the demolition of Edinburgh's Northern General Hospital ©


Central Demolition

Based at Bonnybridge, Stirlingshire, but frequently found in Edinburgh.

Chapham Inveresk, envelope manufacturers, McDonald Road, Edinburgh ©


Chapman Inveresk

envelope manufacturers

Chapman Inveresk works in McDonald Road produced envelopes until the works closed  on December 18, 1991.

At the time of my visit in November 1991, some of the machinery had already been moved to new premises in Lanarkshire.

Edinburgh at Work  -  Chancelot Mill, Western Harbour, Leith Docks ©

1993 to 1994

Chancelot Mill

flour milling

[Leith Docks]

Chancelot Mill was once a prominent landmark at Bonnington with a tower and large clock faces.

Around 1970, the mill moved to Western Harbour, Leith, now part of the Edinburgh Waterfront development area.

Christmas Tree Warehouse at Canonmills  -  December 1992 ©

1991  to  1996

Christmas Tree Warehouse


When Clarks Stonemasons moved from Canonmills to  West Shore Road in 1991, this left the premises vacant for the next four years.

They were used each December until 1995 to sell Christmas trees.

In 1996, the building was demolished and Christmas trees were sold from the yard.

Edinburgh at Work  -  George Christie's Building Yard  -  Albert Street, off Easter Road ©

1991  to  1996

George Christie Building Supplies

(Easter Road)

George Christie's, in 1991, had a large yard of building supplies and two floors of metal workshops and storage. 

The premises had been used previously by Cowans as a transport yard and stables.

The area has now been redeveloped as housing.

Clark Stonemasons  -  Canonmills, Edinburgh  -  carving stone ©



(Stonecraft) stonemasons at Canonmills

Clarks Stonemasons were based at Canonmills until 1991, when they moved to West Shore Road, Granton, leaving their Canonmills premises to be used for selling Christmas trees for the next couple of years, before being demolished.

Clark Stonemasons  -  West Short Road, Granton, Edinburgh  -  1995 ©



at Granton

After leaving Canonmills,  Clark stonemasons moved to West Shore Road at Granton - now part of the Edinburgh Waterfront.

David Lindsay Formerly with Clark stonemasons ( I believe) set up his own stonemasons business beside Clarke at Granton.

Edinburgh at Work  -  Crabbies Green Ginger, Great Junction Street, Leith ©

1992 and 1993


Green Ginger wine

Crabbies Green Ginger wine was made at Great Junction Street, Leith for many decades until it closed in the 1990s.

I believe that the Crabbies building has now been converted to housing.

Edinburgh at Work  -  Craig & Rose, Paint Manufacturers, Leith Walk, Edinburgh ©

1991 and 1992

Craig & Rose

Paint manufacture

Craig & Rose had a factory making paint, on the west side of Leith Walk, between Leith and Pilrig.

Their greatest claim to fame was that they manufactured the paint used for the Forth Bridge for over 100 years.

In the mid-1990s, the company moved to Fife.

Robert Cresser's Brush Shop at 40 Victoria Street, Edinburgh ©

1991 to 2001

Robert Cresser


Robert Cresser, brush makers, were established in 1873

The company had a brush shop in Victoria Street. 

The shop closed in the early years of C21.

Edinburgh at Work - Croan & Son, kippers ©

1991 to 1994

Croan & Sons



Croan & Sons had a large low kipper factory, close to Newhaven Fishmarket,  where they smoked kippers over a fire of oak sawdust.

The factory moved in the mid-1990s, further west along the coast to West Shore Road, Granton.



Duncan's Chocolate Factory  -  Beaverhall Road, Edinburgh,  1991  -  a worker ©



chocolate factory

Duncan's chocolate factory moved from Edinburgh to Bellshill, Lanarkshire, around 1994.  I believe that Duncans is now owned by a company based somewhere around Cumbria.

Jeanette Campbell tells me that she won a competition in her local newspaper to open the Duncan's factory at Bellshill, by pressing a button to start the machinery.  She is now looking for a photo of the occasion.  If you know such a photo, please email me, then I'll pass on the news to Jeanette.

Edinburgh at Work  -  Drysdale  -  Tea and Coffee ©



tea and coffee

Drysdale was founded in 1878.

When I took these photos in 1991, the company was based at Grove Street, Fountainbridge  -  but not for much longer!



Minor Repair to a bus iin Eastern Scottish Bus Depot at New Street, Edinburgh ©


Eastern Scottish

bus depot

Eastern Scottish bus depot was at New Street, near Waverley Station, until the 1990s.

After Eastern Scottish moved out, the building has been used as a car park.  The site is now [2004] due to be redeveloped.

Farrier and Horse ©


Equine Hoof Care

A travelling farrier, here seen working on a farm near South Queensferry.



Forth Rail Bridge ©

1992 and 1993

Forth Bridge 1990s

Painting the bridge

Some of these photos were taken in 1992 and 1993 when the bridge was being painted and the track re-laid.

Following major changes in  responsibilities for maintenance of the bridge, I returned to take more photos in 2005.

The 'health and safety' requirements had been considerably tightened, so I could not repeat the top photo (opposite).

The Forth Rail Bridge is now (in 2005) in the middle of a 7-year repainting programme. When complete, around 2009, the paint is expected to last for a further 20 years.

Workers on the Forth Rail Bridge ©


Forth Bridge 2005

Painting the bridge



Edinburgh at Work  -  Harry Ramsden Fish Restaurant ©


Harry Ramsden

Fish Restaurant

Newhaven Fishmarket, beside the harbour was converted in the early 1990s to become:

-  a smaller fishmarket.

-  a Newhaven heritage museum

-  a Harry Ramsden restaurant

The restaurant closed after a few years, and has now become a Loch Fyne restaurant.

Edinburgh at Work  -  James Hewit & Sons  -  Tannery at Currie, Edinburgh ©

1992 and 2006

J Hewit & Sons


J Hewit & Sons tannery is at Currie, about 5 miles SW of the centre of Edinburgh.

I believe that Hewit's tannery may have previously been the premises of Balerno Paper Mill which started in the 1770s.

Before moving to their premises at Currie originated at the City Tan Works around 1850 on North Greys and Morrison Closes between John Knox's house and North Bridge.

The company was still in business in 2006, but had gone, and the whole site had been flattened by 2013

This web page gives a potted history of the company.



George Jamieson in his taxidermy workshop at Cramond Tower ©

1991 + 2013

George Jamieson


George does his taxidermy work from a workshop beside his his home at Cramond Tower, Cramond, Edinburgh



Edinburgh at Work  -  Laing's Foundry at Powderhall , Edinburgh ©

1991 to 2006

Charles Laing & Sons


This Foundry is one of the few remaining small industries still operating in the Powderhall district of Edinburgh.

The company, still a family owned business, was founded in the 1920s. 

Much of the company's work, street furniture and railings, can be found in the streets of Edinburgh.

Leith Dry Docks ©

1989 to 1992

Leith Docks

Dock Cranes
Dry Docks
Royal Navy

There is now less commercial shipping activity in Leith Docks  than there was a century ago.

Recent increased security measures have made photography more difficult.

Now, several major new housing developments are underway around Leith's Western Harbour.

David Lindsay Stonemasons  -  West Shore Road, Granton  -  1995 ©

1991  to  2005

David Lindsay


David Lindsay was based at West Shore Road, from 1991 but moved out of the area, probably in the late 1990s, to make way for the  Edinburgh Waterfront developments.

He still works in the stone industry, in Livingston (2006) but is no longer carving stone.

Lonsdale & Dutch  -  Tinsmiths  -  Howe Street, Edinburgh New Town  -   1992 ©

1991 to 2007

Lonsdale & Dutch


Lonsdale & Dutch is a small tinsmith in a basement in Edinburgh's New Town.

The company has worked for the National Trust and has produced a wide range of lanterns.

Edinburgh at Work  -  Lothian Region Drainage Dept   -  Laying drains underground near the new Edinburgh International Conference Centre ©


Lothian Region Drainage Dept

laying drains

Here, Lothian Region Water & Drainage Dept was installing new drainage deep underground close to where the Edinburgh International Conference Centre now stands in Morrison Street.

The tunnels were being blasted, drilled then dug out.  They extended for 300 meters underground.

Edinburgh at Work  -  Lothian Region Transport  -  Shrubhill Works ©

1990 to 1996


Lothian Region Transport


Lothian Buses

Edinburgh Corporation became LRT (Lothian Region Transport).  It is now 'Lothian Buses PLC'.

Several of these 1990s photos were taken at the LRT workshops at Shrubhill, now closed.  The site is soon to be used for housing.

Photograph by Peter Stubbs  -  Edinburgh  -  December 2002  -  Fire in the Old Town of Edinburgh  -  The South Bridge ©

1993 to 2002

Lothian & Borders
Fire Brigade

Lothian and Borders Fire Brigade now has new fire stations at Tollcross and Newcraighall in Edinburgh, a far cry from the very small stations in the Edinburgh suburbs of the early-1900s



George Mackay - Bolwing Green Bowl Makers  -  Photographed 1991 ©

1991  to 2006

George Mackay

bowling green bowl maker

George Mackay's workshop is at the foot of Blackfriars Street, near the Cowgate, in the Old Town of Edinburgh.

It is now run as a 'one-man' business by Ronnie, who has worked for the company for many years.

So far as I know, it is the only surviving old workshop in the area.  It is one of the few remaining bowls makers in the world.

Alexander McLennan with his hammer, in the middle of his blacksmiths workshop at Powderhall ©


Alexander McLennan


Alexander McLennan is still in business in 2004, at Powderhall.

Most of the other industries have now left the area.


 1992 to 1996

Miller & Co


London Road

Miller's Foundry established their foundry in London Road in 1867.  It lay  about a 1/4 mile to the west of where Meadowbank Stadium was built.

The foundry closed in 1991 and was demolished.

Meadowbank Retail Park was built on the site in 1996.

Monktonhall Colliery ©


Monktonhall Colliery

coal mine

My first tour of the mine was in the 1960s, soon after the mine opened, employing almost  2,000 workers.

In June 1992, operation of the mine passed to Monktonhall Mineworkers Ltd. 

I returned to the mine in 1993 to take some photos.  There were 187 workers. The mine had a 100,000 contract with SSEB that year, but the mine later encountered problems underground and had to close permanently.



Newhaven Fishmarket  -  1 ©

1991 to 1992

Newhaven Fishmarket

Newhaven Fishmarket, beside Newhaven Harbour, is still open but only a third the size it was in the early 1990s.

North British Distillery  -  The Cooperage Yard ©


North British Distillery

The NB Distillery is near Hearts' football ground at Gorgie.

Their maltings are at Slateford Road

Their cooperage and bonded warehouses are at Muirhall, West Calder, West Lothian.

Edinburgh at Work  -  Northern Lighthouse Board ©

1991 to 2001

Northern Lighthouse Board

Northern Lighthouse Board occupied premises in West Harbour Road, Granton, with a lighthouse frontage, until around 2002.

At the back of the site were workshops and a yard.



Rank Hovis  -  Caledonia Mill, Western Harbour, Leith Docks ©


Rank Hovis

Flour Mill
Leith Docks

Caledonia Mill (owned by Rank Hovis) was an old mill situated immediately to the north of Chancelot Mill at Leith Western Harbour.

Caledonia Mill closed on February 8, 1991.  The mill has now been demolished.

Ritchie watch and clock repairs below the shop at 54 Broughton Street ©

1991 to 1996

James Ritchie & Son

Clock Makers and Edinburgh Clock Winder

In Edinburgh, James Ritchie & Son had a shop and watch repair operation at Broughton Street.  This has now moved to Howe Street.

The company also held the contract for winding and repairing Edinburgh's public clocks.

Repairs of large public clocks were carried out at the company's works in Livingston, now moved Broxburn,  West Lothian.

Photograph by Peter Stubbs  -  August 2002  -  St Andrew's Square  -  Bus Stop  -  Picture 1 ©



Workers seen in the streets of Edinburgh.

Edinburgh at Work  -  Royal Bank of Scotland ©

1991 to 1993

Royal Bank of Scotland

Burning £1 million of used banknotes in the furnace at the St Andrew Square Office, Edinburgh.

This practice has now ended!



Edinburgh at Work  -  Scottish Agricultural Industries (SAI ) fertiliser plant at Leith Docks ©



fertiliser manufacturers

Scottish Agricultural Industries (SAI) is a subsidiary of ICI.

In the 1990s, it had a chemical plant at Leith Docks, along the northern edge of the docks beside the Firth of Forth, to the east of the harbour entrance, manufacturing fertilisers.

The plant has now closed and the site has been cleared.

Read more:

 SAI background

Saxe Shaw, using a quill to draw his cat ©


Saxe Shaw

Artist, tapestry, stained glass worker

Saxe Shaw studied art in Edinburgh.  He exhibited his paintings in Paris in 1948.

He was probably in his 70s when we met, as he worked at his home and studio at Howe Street in 1991, shortly before he died.

He told me that he has done some drawing or painting every day since he was aged 15.

St Cuthbert's Milk Deliveries  -  January 1985 ©



milk deliveries

St Cuthbert's Co-op (later Scotmid, from 1981, following a merger) delivered milk around Edinburgh by horse-drawn milk float for 125 years until 1985.

Their dairy was at Fountainbridge and stables were in Grove Street.

When the horse-drawn deliveries came to an end, the co-op  had 12 Irish gelding horses. 8 went to good homes and 4 were kept for weddings and other events.


1991 to 1994



Scotmid maintained their own coaches, coaches for a few individuals, and also the Queen's coaches, the work being done at the rate of one coach per year, until the work was completed around 1990.  The coachworks closed in the mid-1990s

Scottish & Newcastle Breweries  -  The Yard ©

1992 to 1993

Scottish & Newcastle


Scottish & Newcastle's Edinburgh brewery was at Fountainbridge, beside the canal.

First, the plant for filling kegs closed around the late 1990s.

Then, the brewery and plant for filling cans on the south side of Fountainbridge closed in 2005.

Edinburgh at work  -  Speedspools - monotype printers ©

1991  to 1994


monotype printers

In the early 1990, there were only two hot metal printers left in Edinburgh:

-   Speedspools (who used monotype equipment)

-   Baker & Claremont (who used linotype equipment.

Both have since closed. 

Photograph by Peter Stubbs  -  August 2002  -  St Andrew's Square  -  Bus Stop  -  Picture 1 ©


Street Views

Workers seen around the streets of Edinburgh.

Edinburgh at Work  -   Window cleaners clean one of the domes on the roof of The Standard Life Assurance Company's new administrative office at Tanfield, Edinburgh ©


Standard Life
Assurance Co

Window cleaners cleaning one of the three domes on the roof of Tanfield House, a new administrative office for Standard Life Assurance Company

Tanfield House is close to the Water of Leith at Canonmills. It was built in 1991.

Stark Buillding Services Ltd  -  a joinery workshop at Spylaw Street, Colinton  -  March 2013 ©


Stark Building Services


This was a joinery business at Spylaw Street, Colinton  -  one of the few remaining industries still in business in Colinton when I visited the area in early-2013.
Edinburgh at Work  -  Stevenson & Cheyne, Bonnington, Edinburgh ©

1992 to 1993

Stevenson & Cheyne (1983) Ltd

Formed as a Management Buy-Out in 1983

I visited Stevenson & Cheyne in the winters of 1991-92 and  1992-93.

The company was then based in an old engineering works at Bonnington, Edinburgh, close to the Water of Leith.  It was the last remaining large industrial company in an area that was once a hive of industry.

Soon after my visit, Stevenson & Cheyne  left  Bonnington and moved to to Butlerfield Industrial Estate, Bonnyrigg,  close to the Newtongrange Mining Museum, in Midlothian.

Read more:

Stevenson & Cheyne background



Tarmac's Quarry at Ravelrig, between Balerno and Ratho ©


Tarmac Quarry


This quarry at Ravelrig, between Balerno and Ratho was still in business and busy when I visited it in 1991.

The quarry at Ratho, nearby had closed down the previous year, following a breakdown of equipment there



Edinburgh at Work  -  United Wire Works ©

1991 and 1992

United Wire Works

wire weaving

United Wire Works claims to have origins dating back to 1825.  It opened its factory at Granton Park Avenue, off West Granton Road, close to Granton Harbour, in 1925, using the former  Madelvic Car Factory.  It then built more factories in the  surrounding area.

The company is still at the same location (in 2008), and is still manufacturing wirecloth.



  Waddell's GarageColinton  

Edinburgh at Work  -  Waterston's sealing wax works at Powderhall, Edinburgh   -  1994 ©

1994 to 1996

George Waterston

sealing wax works

George Waterston started to manufacture sealing wax in the Old Town of Edinburgh in 1752.

The business later moved to Warriston, and continued with a small workforce in the 1990s. 

The business was de-merged in Jun 2003 and was sold outside the family in December 2003

Whytock & Reid, Sunbury House, Belford Mews, Edinburgh - 1995 ©

1991 to 1995

Whytock & Reid


Whytock & Reid had large premises close to the Water of Leith near Dean Village, Edinburgh.  They held a Royal Warrant for many generations.

The cabinet making side of the business ran down gradually in the 2oth century.  The company closed in 2004.

Edinburgh Waterfront  -  William Waugh scrap yard  -  July 2006 ©


William Waugh

scrap merchants

For many years, William Waugh's scrap yard has occupied land between West Harbour Road and West Granton Road, close to Granton Square.

This land is now part of 'Edinburgh Waterfront', a large area earmarked for development over the next fifteen years.

So Waugh's Scrap Yard is likely to move out at some stage.

Edinburgh Transport


Edinburgh Aero Club   - founded 1928 ©

Approaching Edinburgh Airport  1960a

Approaching Edinburgh Airport  2005

Approaching Edinburgh Airport  2009

Edinburgh Aero Club


RAF Display at the Meadows

Turnhouse Open Day  c1954


Field Gun and army truck outside Greyfriars' Bobby's Bar for the ceremony to Greyfriars' BObby in Greyfriars' Churchyard ©

Gun Tractor and Gun


Balloons at Marine Gardens, Portobello  -  July 26, 1913 ©

Marine Gardens, Portobello

Barrow Box

Photo of a barrow box and 4 children, taken around 1933.  Where might this photo have been taken? ©

Where is it?


Leith Fishing Boats, including LH28  -  Where? ©

Forth Ports Pilots' boat leaving Granton Harbour ©

Boats at Newhaven Harbour

Forth Ports Pilots' Boat

Other Boats

Union Canal

Buses  [old]

Char-a-Banc at Dunsapie Loch in Holyrood Park  -  close-up ©


Coach Outings

Early Buses

Edinburgh Buses  1950s

Edinburgh Buses  1960s

Edinburgh Buses  1970s to 2000

Gas-powered buses

Lathalmond Scottish Vintage Bus Museum

Lothian Buses  restored

SMT Buses:  1940s

Transport Depots

Buses  [recent]

Bus 726 with route branding for Route 44 in Princes Street  -  November 2005 ©

Bus Depots

Bus Station - St Andrew Square

Lothian Buses - 2000-03

Lothian Buses  - 2004

Lothian Buses  - 2005

Lothian Buses  - 2006

Lothian Buses  - 2007

Lothian Buses  - 2009

Lothian Buses  - 2011

Lothian Buses  - 2012  Grotto Bus

Lothian Buses  - Adverts on Buses

Lothian Buses  - Bus Garages + Works

Lothian Buses  - Bus Termini

Lothian Buses  - Converted

Lothian Buses  - Bus Liveries

Lothian Buses  - Restored

Lothian Buses  - Tour Buses


Raft Race on the Union Canal - June 27, 2009 ©

Raft Race


1938 SS100, as new ©

Robert Devlin in the driving seat of his father's Daimler ©

Old Car parked outsideThe St Stephen's Motor & Cycle Depot, 10 Hamilton Place, Stockbridge ©

Traffic Surveys at Corstorphine, 1931 ©

Boys' Brigade

Car Dealers

Cars 1900s

Cars 1920s

Cars 1930s and motorcycle

Cars 1950s

Cars 1960s

Cars 1970s

Cars 2000s

Cars and Shops

Citroen 2CVs

Decorated Cars

'Do you Know? - Motor Cars' book

Devlin's Daimler

Edinburgh Transport Dept


Hudson Terraplane

Ingliston motor racing

John Menzies' Car + Chauffeur

Madelvic Car Factory

Motor Shows

Old Car - what make?  Straker Squire

Showrooms and Garages

Traffic Survey Corstorphine 1931 + 2011

Caravans Caravan "'which can be towed at up to 100mph" at the Ideal Holiday Show at Waverley Market - 1959 ©

Holiday Shows  at Waverley Market
